The Project

Get Britain Pension Ready

The Brief

Annuity Ready, our client, initiated the “Get Britain Pension Ready” campaign to enhance the pensions market and ensure equal access to information for everyone. As an award-winning website, Annuity Ready helps individuals understand retirement income options, aiming to make pension knowledge accessible to all. Their research revealed that private education significantly influences pension literacy, with a 20% difference in those taught about pensions in school compared to state or grammar school-educated peers (6%).

Our task involved creating an awareness video to be uploaded to the wire, featuring an Annuity Ready spokesperson to encourage young people to visit their website and become more informed about their pensions.

The Solution

Our dedicated crew conducted a series of insightful interviews with individuals facing challenges in retirement planning. Angelica Bell hosted the video, facilitating heartfelt conversations with people sharing their personal struggles regarding pension readiness. Additionally, we interviewed Sarah Lloyd, an Annuity Ready spokesperson, at our office in Paddington, adding a professional perspective to the narrative

The Results

The video gained widespread coverage on various mainstream consumer websites, indicating significant viewership and increased awareness. Our Social Affairs journalist wrote an accompanying article headlining ‘Privately educated adults more likely to have learned about pensions at school’. The story gained over 100 + pieces of coverage including articles on Mail Online, The Independent, Mirror Online & The Sun.

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