What the polls are really saying about the chances of a hung parliament

By Christopher McKeon 06/06/2023

Westminster loves a poll. Each new pronouncement from Britain’s polling companies is pored over in SW1, and every slight change in they parties’ scores analysed for details of whether it spells doom or revival for the Conservatives.

Polls showing improvements in the Conservative position have seemed particularly popular of late, with the Government hoping to show that Labour’s lead is soft and commentators looking to inject some excitement into their coverage.

But most pollsters will tell you that it is not individual polls that count, but longer-term trends that are less susceptible to fluctuations within the margin of error.

Those long term trends are captured in PA Media’s analysis of average polling numbers since the end of September 2022, just as Liz Truss’s premiership was beginning to unravel, and they tell a much steadier story than might be guessed from day-to-day coverage of individual polls.

According to this analysis, Labour’s lead over the Conservatives peaked at 33 points on October 20, the day Ms Truss announced that she would resign and Tory support reached a nadir of just 21%.

Opinion poll tracker. See story POLITICS Labour. Infographic PA Graphics. An editable version of this graphic is available if required. Please contact graphics@pamediagroup.com.

Since then, Conservative support recovered fairly quickly, the gap narrowing to 20 points in the first week of November as Rishi Sunak steadied the ship. Tory fortunes improved again slightly during late March and early April, but since then Labour’s lead has held steady at 16 points.

Individual poll shave shown much narrower margins, prompting excited discussion of the possibility of a hung parliament, but the current average suggests Labour is still on course to secure a majority.

Below the headline voting intention figures, other data from PA’s partners at Ipsos UK provides further support for the suggestion that the Conservatives are still a long way behind.

Much has been made of Rishi Sunak’s personal ratings, and it is true that they are better than those of his party. Ipsos’s May political monitor found only 26% of people said they liked the Conservative Party, while Mr Sunak scored a 28% favourability rating.

And while 76% said they were dissatisfied with the Government, only 55% said the same about Mr Sunak.

However, Sir Keir Starmer continues to outpoll Mr Sunak personally just as his party continues to outpoll the Conservatives, albeit by a smaller margin.

The Labour leader’s favourability rating stands at 30%, while 50% are dissatisfied with his performance. While these are not impressive numbers, they still represent a lead over the Prime Minister.

Ipsos’s polling suggests there are other headwinds Mr Sunak must battle against. Some 18% of voters told the pollster they were “very likely” to vote tactically, with another 16% said they were “fairly likely” to do so.

Tactical voters are also overwhelmingly anti-Conservative, with 67% of them saying they would vote to keep the Tories out compared to 22% who said the same about Labour – a trend that could be seen in the local elections that took place in early May.

On top of this, there is broad dissatisfaction with the direction of the country. The number of people telling Ipsos that the UK was heading in the wrong direction has risen since April 2021, and although it has levelled off since October 2022 it still stands at 61%.

These are difficult numbers for any Government to overcome, and particularly one that has been in power so long.

But they are also a reminder to look beyond the immediate headline figures of whichever poll has been released most recently, and pay attention to the long-term trends.

In this case, those trends tell a story of an improvement in the Government’s fortunes since the low point of October 2022, followed by a plateau that leaves the Conservatives still a long way behind Labour.

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