Sam Follett
Sam is Head of Sales at PA Mediapoint
PA Mediapoint

What PR and Comms teams can expect from PA Mediapoint’s new packages

By Sam Follett 12/10/2021

With three new PA Mediapoint packages set to launch, Sam Follet, Head of Sales at PA Mediapoint, explains how they will support PR and Comms teams to get ahead in the media landscape.

It’s been an exciting time for my team as we look to develop how we work with PR and Comms clients to align our services with how they seek to manage media presence.

Through market research with our clients, PA Media journalists and news media outlets, we gained valuable insight into the challenges faced by this sector, which has allowed us to build three new packages to provide value in how we support our customers: Understand the News, Shape the News and Make the News.

PA Mediapoint is at the centre of the relationship between the UK & Irish media (including PA Media journalists), who are fundamental to fuelling the news industry with their editorial content, and PR and Comms teams wanting to keep one step ahead of the news and stay connected within that world. The platform manages the flow of information between the two groups and their wider audiences.

Discover PA Mediapoint

That’s where the PA Mediapoint team is on hand to offer advice on how PR and Comms teams should manage their relationship with the media. Whether it’s monitoring the news with confidence or growing brand awareness, we understand the challenges that over 500 corporates, charities and government departments face and can build a solution with PA Mediapoint as the central conduit to making sure we can solve them.

Understand the News

For the PR and Comms industry, it’s vital to be able to monitor media coverage without having to worry about the inaccuracy of the content. Understand the News allows PR and Comms teams to do this with confidence to manage how their brand is being reported.

With access to the PA Media pre-publication newswire, embargoed and partner content, insight and analysis stories and the PA Media diary, PR & Comms teams can manage a real-time view of breaking news that is fair, fast and accurate and can contribute to stories early to help with penetration and coverage.

Head of Sales for PA Mediapoint, Sam Follett explains PA Mediapoint

Shape the News

Creating compelling content that’s backed up by a great distribution service is key to connecting with journalists and to helping a brand message to land well. Shape the News takes the reactive elements of Understand the News and adds these elements to help PR & Comms teams to proactively manage media relationships.

With photo sessions with our Assignments team to create compelling content and access to our Online Press Centre (MediaSelect), we’ll host and distribute campaign assets that are easily accessible by journalists looking for newsworthy content.

Shape the News enables PR & Comms teams to enhance relationships with journalists, to grow brand awareness within the media and their target audience and to track the impact of their activity through our platform. This package also includes PA Training and Events designed to extend our understanding of what content resonates with journalists direct from our extensive legacy and experience within the UK & Irish media.  

Make the News

PA Media has been an active partner to the media industry for over 150 years and currently works with a large majority of the broadcast, national and regional media outlets in the UK & Ireland. This provides us with a key insight to help and advise PR & Comms teams into how to build robust content and media strategies to increase the likelihood of engagement with journalists.

Make the News includes the addition of our Globelynx VoD content to connect expert commentary from execs and product specialists to the newsroom, as well as consultancy with our PR & Comms training specialists to help with upskilling PR & Comms professionals. These services combine to help clients elevate the quality of PR content and to effectively manage media impact.

To discover more about these packages and how they can help PR and Comms teams to get ahead in an evolving media landscape, you can get in touch here.

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