Staff Spotlight - Alice Bryden, Sales Manager, PA Mediapoint

By PA Mediapoint 03/05/2023

Giving users exclusive access to PA Media’s breaking news stories at the same time as the media, PA Mediapoint is our unrivalled news monitoring service for PR and communication professionals across the UK and Ireland. Whether you would like to stay abreast of top trending news stories, generate publicity or manage a PR crisis, it can be the critical difference when a story breaks.

In this month’s staff spotlight, we are pleased to introduce Alice Bryden, Sales Manager for New Business at PA Mediapoint. Alice shares her career journey thus far, highlighting her experiences and achievements.

Alice Bryden, Sales Manager, New Business,
PA Mediapoint

What is your job role at Mediapoint and what does a typical working day entail for you?

I head-up the new business sales team within PA Mediapoint.

My day usually starts with a triple espresso Americano- and the morning stand-up, where the team share their priorities and focus for the day ahead. The rest of the day is typically a mix of internal meetings, external client calls and demo’s, writing proposals for clients, putting together and closing contracts- and of course, emails, emails, emails!

How would you describe PA Mediapoint in one sentence?

The bridge between the media and non-media

Tell us about your career journey, both at PA Mediapoint and what led you to working here?

I started out in sales 7 years ago. Over the years I’ve worked in various sectors, in both b2b and b2c sales across, different industries (Healthcare, Public Sector, tech etc). I’ve always been a keen follower of the news, with a particular interest in world news and politics- so when the opportunity to join PA came up, it was an obvious choice. Since joining PA, I’ve been given the chance to step into a management position, leading the sales team into another successful year!

Favourite thing about your job?

Solving clients’ problems and helping them achieve their goals- always great to hear about the results they’ve achieved from working with us!

What’s been the biggest change in the PR industry that you have noticed?

It’s harder than ever to achieve pick-up and coverage for PR & Comms teams.

How do you see the industry changing within the next five years?

PR and Comms teams will need to learn how to write like a journalist and align their stories with the news agenda in order have their content considered- journalists are time-poor, so your comms needs to add value.

Tell us a bit about yourself outside of work? What hobbies do you enjoy? 

I’m really into my music- pretty much every and any genre- and have enjoyed playing the guitar and writing music for many years.

Keep posted for our next Staff Spotlight next month!

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