Staff Spotlight - Adam West, Senior Account Manager, PA Mediapoint

By PA Mediapoint 06/06/2023

Giving users exclusive access to PA Media’s breaking news stories at the same time as the media, PA Mediapoint is our unrivalled news monitoring service for PR and communication professionals across the UK and Ireland. Whether you would like to stay abreast of top trending news stories, generate publicity or manage a PR crisis, it can be the critical difference when a story breaks.

In this month’s staff spotlight, we are pleased to introduce Adam West, Senior Account Manager at PA Mediapoint. With a background in music journalism and a passion for helping non-media partners overcome their PR and communication challenges, Adam plays a crucial role in ensuring clients have the necessary tools to succeed.

Adam West, Senior Account Manager,
PA Mediapoint

What is your job role at Mediapoint and what does a typical working day entail for you?
My job role is Senior Account Manager. A typical day to day is ensuring our non-media partners have access to the right tools to ensure their PR and comms challenges are overcome and overdelivered.

How would you describe PA Mediapoint in one sentence?
The PR and Comms professionals guru – PA Mediapoint is the news before the news (does that count as two?)

Tell us about your career journey, both at PA Mediapoint and what led you to working here?
12 years after graduating as a Music Journalist, I am working as closely as I ever have to the world I wanted to be in as a fresh faced youth. I have muddled my way through quite a few jobs, ranging from marketing, client services right through to digital delivery for world leading tech stacks.
Since joining PA Mediapoint, I can say my 17 year old self would look at the 33 year old failed journalist and be pretty darn happy!

Favourite thing about your job?
Talking and helping. Quite surprising I couldn’t translate my speech to paper with as much success. But being able to have a conversation with a client, impart what little wisdom I have, all while helping them succeed in their role and organisation is definitely my favourite thing.

What’s been the biggest changes in the PR industry that you have noticed?
The use of a holistic tech stack (of which PA Mediapoint can deliver 😉). The tech solutions and providers that atre designed to help and streamline aspects of a PR and Comms role have a bit of a Frankenstein approach, which ends up hindering the users day to day.

How do you see the industry changing within the next five years?
I can see the development in AI taking a hold and creating workflows and elements of individuals day to days completely different. Not sure if redundancies is the end of that change, but it will definitely play some part (what, with ChatGPT on the verge of becoming SkyNets number one user)

Neffy, Adam’s dog!!

Tell us a bit about yourself outside of work? What hobbies do you enjoy?
Without going into too much detail, outside of work, my hobbies consist of everything a 33 year old shouldn’t be doing. Skateboarding, music (all of it, by everyone, at once, live, digitally, gramophone), collecting toys (do NOT take them out of the box), collecting trainers (you can take SOME out of the box), renovating (not a hobby, more like living in purgatory), and of course our dog, Neffy.

Keep posted for our next Staff Spotlight next month!

Visit PA Mediapoint to find out more about our PR products and solutions.

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