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Mediapoint refresher session: Contributions

By PA Media 10/08/2021

We have recently presented a series of snapshot webinars for Mediapoint customers to refresh their knowledge and support them with using the platform and its features effectively.

How to make a successful contribution on Mediapoint was the second of our refresher sessions, presented by Kate Gardiner, Senior Production Journalist and Lola Banks, Account Manager for Mediapoint customers.

The step-by-step presentation provided best practice tips on how to structure a contribution, the best time to send one and what PA journalists looked for in a comment.

Here are six key takeaways from the session:

Keep abreast of stories

To increase the chances of a contribution being used, keep up-to-date with the news. The best way for customers to do this is to set-up email notifications to receive stories that are relevant to them in real-time. When this is completed, they can monitor their inboxes to check the content.

Respond to news quickly

It is important to consider the timing when sending in a contribution. The sooner it is sent, the more likely it would be used.

The newsdesk usually start to add comments and reactions to stories within the first two hours of them hitting the wire. Contributions will only be included on the day the story was published.

However, for embargoed content, prepare the comment before the story is published the next day as it is unlikely to be added to it once the embargo has been lifted.

It is also important to remember that national and daily newspapers start to prepare for publication around 4pm. When a contribution is submitted around this time, it will have less chance of being selected.

Check the story length 

Look at the story length and the number of comments and reactions already included within it.  If the story is quite long (more than the maximum 500-word length that PA stories run on the wire), the chances of a contribution being included are lowered. However, “a really strong comment could displace another one” and if there are no comments and reactions, that possibly means you have a “higher chance” of your contribution being included.

Say something new

To make your contribution stand out and be included in a story, find a different angle. It should be something new or different which has not already been covered in it or on the sidebars on Mediapoint. Kate said an expert with an “insightful comment” could also make it into the piece.

Keep it clear and concise

Once a story has been found to comment on, select the contribution button on the top of it and a box will appear. It will show the story and the name of the person commenting on it.

Kate recommended using the following structure when you make your contribution: Name, position, organisation, said: “comment.”

It is good practice to keep the comment concise to really maximise the chances of it being looked at by journalists. They would want to see snippets of the comment and usually two to three paragraphs would be enough. There is no need to add context leading up to it as the story would provide this.

Include contact details

Whether the comment is by a Mediapoint customer or another spokesperson, it is important to tick the box: ‘I am contributing on behalf of someone else.’ Kate’s advice was to always include the phone number alongside the other contact details as the newsdesk might want to contact the contributor for more information and this was the preferred method.

When the contribution has been sent, the customer will receive a message explaining it has been delivered to the editorial department for consideration.

All comments go to an inbox and get looked at. They are included in the external contributions tab if they are submitted between 9pm – 5pm Monday to Friday. They are visible to all media organisations using the PA Media Explore platform and flagged up as not being a comment sourced by PA Media.

Contributions sent out of these hours will not be included in the external contributions tab but will be sent to the PA newsdesk where they can be seen and checked.

You can watch the on-demand recording on how to make a successful contribution here.

If you are a Mediapoint customer and have any feedback on our sessions or would like to suggest a topic for a future session, please get in touch here.

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