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Four key takeaways from “PR pivots in the pandemic”

By PA Media 21/06/2021

The second event in the PA Meets series developed by PA Media and the PRCA, to bring news and PR closer together took place on April 6 – the focus was PR pivots in the pandemic.

We were excited to welcome, Vicky Frost, Director of Training at PA Training, Pasca Lane, Director of Media at the British Red Cross and Kate Hoare, Managing Director at Houston to provide their insight, advice and expertise on this topic, alongside host Bridgid Nzekwu, Director of Media Training at PA Media.

Here are four takeaways from the discussion:

Interactions between colleagues are hard to replicate

With the Government’s advice to “work from home if you can,” this practice has become the “new normal” for many employees. Businesses have implemented a range of measures to support staff working remotely, which include flexibility around hours, working from home bursaries and daily meetings. While some employees have adapted to this new way of life, others have felt isolated.

Kate Hoare, Managing Director at Houston recognised this as an area of concern and said it had an impact on employee’s personal development.

Discussing the training her organisation has implemented to support its staff, she advised companies to be aware of employees who may not feel comfortable expressing their emotions working from home.

Pasca Lane, Director of Media at the British Red Cross agreed with Kate and said interactions with colleagues are difficult to replicate, but morning meetings provided an opportunity to hear from people from across the organisation.

Remote working also poses a challenge for journalists as it is difficult to replicate the quick conversations they have in newsrooms, especially for reporters working on one story, explained Vicky Frost, Director of Training at PA Training. She had been working at the Standard for most of the pandemic before her current role.

Position your business to take advantage of opportunities

PR organisations have always had to adopt new strategies to keep ahead, but more so in the pandemic. With many companies furloughing staff at the beginning of it, Kate described how Huston not only pivoted it services but also its business.

As clients demand increased for internal comms, more content and support with their digital footprint, Huston merged with other businesses to offer more services to them.

Kate advised organisations to gain an insight into the market areas that communications will evolve in and position your business to take advantage of them.

Pasca described how before the pandemic the British Red Cross was looking forward to celebrating its 150th birthday and working with Team GB during the Olympics, but its focus shifted to working on pandemic-related campaigns which included a partnership with the Mirror as well as its own ones around the coronavirus vaccination.

She also explained how the British Red Cross had positioned its services to focus on digital. Its Tik-Tok vaccine videos were a hit with audiences on the social networking platform with millions of views. Pasca said: “Her team had done its best work in the past year.”

However, for newspapers, positioning themselves to take advantage of opportunities during the pandemic is more of a challenge when it comes to audience engagement as Vicky Frost explained: “We don’t know how people are going to respond to this.

Vicky described some factors which have had an impact on print and digital readership during this time, which include news avoidance and uncertainty on commuter trends – where you can analyse digital engagement.

However, she thought it was a great opportunity for newspapers to rebuild relationships with audiences especially surrounding trust issues in certain areas.

Organisations must be authentic with their messages

Some organisations have attached themselves to big debates or social movements as an opportunity for media coverage. The panel agreed when this activity is not authentic, audiences can detect it.

Kate thought companies should look at what they are doing about an issue first, rather than “make an unauthentic jump” on it, as in her view this is where they will “fall down.”

And with so much misinformation surrounding the pandemic, authenticity and authority are vital now when it comes to comms, Vicky explained.

She added, readers know straight away when organisations are “hopping on the bandwagon” in comparison to those who are genuine.

Discussing her time as editor at the Standard, Vicky described receiving lots of stories pitched as pandemic-related which had nothing to do with it. She advised against doing this.

Opportunity to look at how you do comms

More than ever the pandemic has meant companies have put comms high on their agendas. Kate suggested this was the perfect opportunity for them to take a fresh approach to their comms strategy.

And with virtual meetings and presentations becoming the norm, Kate suggested a broadcast strategy would be a great area for companies to explore.

In terms of broadcast activity at the British Red Cross, Pasca explained how it will focus on building confident interviewees to put forward for stories as there has been a demand for its spokespeople from media outlets.

As the discussion concluded, host Bridgid Nzekwu asked the panel for advice on how PR organisations can pivot in a pandemic?

With the ever-changing news agenda disrupting proactive launches, Pasca stressed the importance of being agile and keeping on top of new stories to know the best time to secure coverage.

While Vicky echoed her earlier advice and said PR organisations should be authentic and relevant and consider whether “it is the right time to communicate.”

And referring to her earlier point about the impact remote working had on personal development, Kate advised PRs to constantly challenge themselves in their network.

We would like to thank everyone who attended the event, the PRCA for its support and our distinguished panel of experts for their time.

You can view the on-demand recording of PR Pivots in the Pandemic here and follow all the latest news and updates on PA Meets here as well as access other on-demand recordings of past events.

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