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Four key takeaways from “How to reset, rethink and reconnect your comms strategy in 2021”

By PA Media 28/06/2021

The sixth and final event of the PA Meets series before its autumn return took place on June 15. In partnership with the PRCA, the event focused on “How to reset, rethink and reconnect your comms strategy in 2021.”

We were delighted to welcome, Rhian Harries, Creative and Strategy Director at Sticky, Charlotte Ross, Publisher at The Evening Standard and Tony Langham Co-founder and Chief Executive at Lansons to discuss how brands and organisations can reset, refresh and rethink their comms strategies as the easing of Covid restrictions lift in the UK. Bridgid Nzekwu, Director of Media Training at PA Media, hosted the discussion.

With the freedom day of June 21st delayed, there were still a number of interesting discussion points. Here are four takeaways from the event:

Inject a level of meaning into your business

The Covid-19 pandemic has had an impact on people’s lives. Periods of lockdown and uncertainty have changed their behaviour and while organisations cannot predict long term outcomes, it is an opportunity for them to re-evaluate their comms strategies.

Charlotte Ross, Publisher at the Evening Standard said “purpose” will be the new word both for organisations and people in the pandemic as they reassess how they conduct their businesses, lives and realise there must be a purpose to things.

She said: “Injecting a real level of meaning to what your business does and what you do in your life is going to become a driving force across society.”

This has been noticed in the way readers have been engaging with more long-form stories with dwell times increasing, she explained.

Rhian Harries, Creative and Strategy Director at Sticky, a strategic marketing consultancy, advised organisations to engage with their audiences through social listening to provide useful insights to inform their comms strategies.

She explained organisations need to think about what resonates with their audiences, rather than the story they want to tell.

And while Tony Langham, Co-founder and Chief Executive at Lansons agreed with the panel about organisations focussing on their purpose, he recognised it was a difficult period for some of them to move their comms strategies forward.

Think digital first

The pandemic has accelerated the need for businesses to adopt a digital-first strategy. Charlotte explained the Evening Standard had to pivot its business and services to survive.

She explained the newspaper’s journey to digital-first was originally planned for two to three years, but the Covid-19 pandemic accelerated the process, and it was completed in six months.

Charlotte described how the newspaper had already identified a trend for people consuming news on mobile platforms and developed a new content management system optimised for this environment to allow its audience to read its stories.

She advised organisations to make digital “the centre” of their businesses and have an “effective mobile interface with their consumers” as well as staying connected with them.

As businesses start to rethink and reset the next stages of their comms strategies, Rhian agreed with Charlotte about the importance of staying connected with clients and employees as essentially, they are the ones who are going to take the next stages of your plans forward, she explained.

Reputation is held by the public

Whether it is diversity and inclusion or supporting a charity, the reputation of an organisation will be judged differently by people depending on whether their communication and actions live up to their values and beliefs. Organisations with a good reputation will do well compared to those with a bad one.

As businesses rethink and reset their comms strategies, Tony agreed for organisations to have a good reputation and the importance for them to focus on what they represent and meet people’s expectations as that is who they are judged by. This went back to understanding people and their behaviours that Rhian believed.

While Charlotte suggested organisations should make diversity and inclusion a focal point of their businesses. She said campaigns for racial equality and the Covid-19 pandemic had brought it to the forefront and businesses should ensure employees from a diverse backgrounds are included and listened to.

Tell the best story

Storytelling is a powerful tool that allows organisations to communicate information, influence opinions and build trust and those that excel in it will stand out from their competitors.

Tony described how the Government’s decision to host the 2021 G7 Summit in Carbis Bay, Cornwall caught his attention and was a wonderful example of visual storytelling. He thought it connected with people as it captured the UK Prime Minister and his family’s interaction with world leaders at the beach resort.

Charlotte explained how before the Evening Standard embarked on London Rising – the news series looking at the future of London post-pandemic – it listened to industry leaders and people from all professions to capture their ideas and understand the priorities that would resonate with the needs and interests of its audience.

The series features discussions and debates with leading figures from the world of politics, business and entertainment.

And while storytelling is a persuasive tool, it is also important to understand your audience and to share on the right platforms, Rhian explained.

This was the last event in the PA Meets series, but we will be back in September 2021.

We would like to thank everyone who attended the event, the PRCA for its support and our panel of experts for their time.

You can view the on-demand recording of How to reset, rethink and reconnect your comms strategy in 2021 here.

We look forward to seeing you again in September when the series returns. In the meantime, follow all the latest news and updates on PA Meets

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