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PA creates bespoke content for bwin’s online betting community

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 13/12/2016
Media Training

The Three A’s that make a Great Spokesperson

By Bridgid Nzekwu 12/12/2016

When I think of great spokespeople, the ones who are most skilled at captivating an audience and getting their message across, certain qualities come to mind immediately and these are attributes we hone and develop in delegates attending TNR Media Training courses and workshops.  One of the great privileges of being a Media Trainer at the Press Association, is that all sorts of people, from every field imaginable, trust us to analyse and enhance their performance, so they can become the most effective and confident advocate possible for their charity, business, service or industry.  No matter who they are, or what level of competence they have, they need to develop what I call “The Three A’s of being a great spokesperson”.  They need to be Articulate, they need to be Authentic and they need to have Authority.


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Paul Jones honoured for his outstanding contribution to journalism training

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 01/12/2016

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Sticky Content picks up its first ever award for work on Coca-Cola

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 01/12/2016

TNR photographer’s prospective: 36 hours in New York

By Craig Gunn 30/11/2016

We recently sent David Parry, one of our freelance photographers, on a pretty awesome job in New York which happened to coincide with the US presidential election day. After our shoot, David took to the streets with his camera to capture the historical hours before the results were announced. You can read David’s blog and view his incredible photos of NYC voters below: