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Wochit adds PA Images and Deutsche Presse-Agentur to its network of content partners

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 14/05/2018
Media Training

What all brands should learn from TSB’s self-inflicted reputational damage

By Bridgid Nzekwu 03/05/2018

The tragedy of TSB’s botched IT upgrade is that the bank has made things far worse for itself by handling the situation so badly.  The Daily Mail headline “Totally Shambolic Bank” summed up the situation for tens of thousands of customers who, two weeks on, continue to complain that they can’t access their bank accounts.  Ironically, TSB’s communication has been exemplary in some respects.  The bank apologised quickly, promised that customers won’t be left out of pocket, thanked customers for their patience and waived overdraft fees and interest charges.  As the crisis dragged on and pressure increased on TSB, the bank upped its response, with increased interest rates for savers and a decision by CEO Paul Pester to forfeit a £2m bonus.  Yet TSB’s inability to get to grips with the technical problems have made it virtually impossible to counter the relentlessly negative story in the media.


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PA Group adds data provider EBS to its growing portfolio of specialist media companies

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 02/05/2018

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Jane Barlow named Sports Photographer of the Year at the 2018 Scottish Press Awards

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 27/04/2018

Are you a spokesperson-bot?

By Bridgid Nzekwu 23/04/2018

When Theresa May was christened “the Maybot” by a Guardian columnist in 2016, the name stuck.  By speaking in anti-soundbites like “Brexit means Brexit” and “I’m focusing on delivering article 50” the Prime Minister failed to convey any meaning, allowing (forcing?) others to come up with their own interpretation. An absence of clear messaging usually backfires.   Spokespeople who spout incomprehensible slogans, talk in clichés and use jargon, inevitably alienate, irritate and mystify the audiences they are trying to reach.