Wafee Rashid
Wafee is Senior Sales Executive for PA TV Metadata

Staff Spotlight: Wafee Rashid, Senior Sales Executive

By PA TV Metadata 19/01/2024

PA TV Metadata is a one of the leading providers for metadata services, TV broadcast data aggregation, channel management for linear channels and VOD platforms. Its success for more than 30 years is down to its incredible team of dedicated, passionate and knowledgeable staff across our offices in Howden, Letchworth and London who we’re all extremely proud of.

Our regular staff profile returns for 2024 with the last employee in the spotlight being TV Metadata Editor Joe McDonald. Now Senior Sales Executive Wafee Rashid takes over, reflecting on his first few months in his commercial role, talking about what he’s learnt so far in his role, his hopes and dreams for 2024 and some of the TV content he’s been enjoying.

What is your job title and what does your role entail?

My job title is Senior Sales Executive, and my role is focused on helping companies struggling to maximise value from linear, VOD & FAST metadata. A large part of my focus at the moment is looking at channels, broadcasters, platforms and TV guides.

How have you found your first six months in the role? What insights have you gleamed from the industry?

I’ve found that metadata is a crucial thing within our industry and it’s what makes a good content viewing experience for a consumer, and here at PA TV Metadata, we’re quite critical in our role to help deliver this.

If a company like a broadcaster or a platform doesn’t have good, quality metadata, then they’re going to struggle to provide that continuity to their customer which is a real challenge.

Looking at our offering as a service, we have unique capabilities and skill sets that will appeal to these audiences facing these struggles.

What do you think are going to be the big talking points and industry trends in 2024?

I think FAST will be quite prevalent with new channels constantly being launched. I was reading some research just last week that over 1,800 channels are available towards the end of 2023, we started to see some big players like YouTube TV and ITV were launching new FAST channels within this space.

I think linear still going to be a big talking point and will still exist. If you look at some of the viewing numbers on Channel 5, their linear market share has grown progressively and continues to. Just looking at the success of the recent Darts tournament, 2.2 million people tuned into watch it.

So clearly, certain programming still finds a good home within linear.

A picture of a TV as the article includes mentions of FAST channels and linear TV.
Wafee sees FAST channels continuing as a key industry trend whilst linear will still be strong in the viewing experiences of 2024.

What are your hopes and goals for 2024?

My hopes and goals for 2024 is for us to be a key player with a lot of our existing clients and new clients within the FAST territory as well, and also ensuring that more people are more aware of our thought leadership, our views and our experience.

Because I am very passionate and feel really strong about the fact that we’ve got a combined value of over 500 years’ experience for the team.

Working with the marketing team, I really want us to showcase a lot of that experience and give people the confidence they need in their industry to really help continue providing a seamless customer journey and UI experience on their platforms.

A still from the TV series Fool Me Once, which Wafee mentions he is watching at the moment.
Netflix’s Fool Me Once is a series Wafee has been watching recently.

What TV series are you currently watching?

At the moment I’m watching Fool Me Once on Netflix, the thriller starring Michelle Keegan. And the Jack Reacher series on Prime I’m also enjoying. I binge watched season one and I’m making my way through season two.

Keep posted for our next Staff Spotlight!

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