Simon Brooks
Simon is TV Content Editor at PA TV Metadata

Staff Spotlight: Simon Brooks, TV Content Editor

By PA TV Metadata 17/11/2022

PA TV Metadata has been a market leader for more than 30 years and key to that success is an incredible team of dedicated, passionate and knowledgeable staff across our offices in Howden, Letchworth and London. We’re fiercely proud of them.

In our regular series of staff profiles, TV Content Editor Simon Brooks shares his fondest memories and career journey so far.

How long have you worked at PA TV Metadata and what are the responsibilities of a TV Content Editor?

It’s been 31 years and counting. Many moons ago, one of our bosses said that the average shelf life of a TV listings writer is two years. I and many of my colleagues have proved that wrong. The TV Content Editors put together the schedules and write programme detail for a select number of TV and radio channels before that content is handed over to digital and page ready customers. Or to put it another way, I’ve spent 31 years writing EastEnders

TV Content Editor, Simon Brooks
Simon has been with the company for 31 years.

What has been your career journey here at PA TV Metadata?

I’ve spent the entire three decades in listings in roles including Sub Editor, Chief Sub, Chief Writer, Admin Editor, Editorial Manager and now Content Editor. I’ve trained new starters, deleted more incorrect apostrophes than I’ve had hot dinners (don’t tell Mrs Brooks I said that) and overseen the introduction of our media listings editor MLE, which is still going strong.

What has been your favourite TV show in the 31 years since you joined the company and why?

That’s an impossible question to answer. I could be cool and say Better Call Saul, which I do believe is an absolute modern classic, but looking back, I’d probably say Harry Hill’s TV Burp. The funniest TV show ever made – and my Auntie Betty was on it once.

A picture of British Comedian Harry Hill
British Comedian Harry Hill

Do you have any favourite memories from working at PA TV Metadata?

The listings company that became PA TV Metadata started out at the Bishop’s Manor, a 700-year-old building around the corner from the Operations Centre in Howden. That’s where I started, in a tiny office as part of a 12-part listings team led by Paula Collins, who is now our Head of Metadata. The foundations for the listings we produce today were built in those early days. It was a much simpler time. I loved those days and while I know you cannot go back, I’ll never forget they were what made me who I am, and what made PA TV Metadata the company it is.

If you had the power to revive one TV show that is no longer on our screens, what would it be and why?

I have such great memories of watching The Fall and Rise of Reginald Perrin with my dad back in the 1970s. I’d love to see what writer David Nobbs and the original cast including the incomparable Leonard Rossiter would make of this crazy world we find ourselves in today.

What has been your proudest moment in your time working at PA TV Metadata?

Not so much a single moment, but I used to be responsible for training new starters, both in the use of the software and from an editorial point of view. I always got a buzz from this and it’s great to see those colleagues move on, either within the company or elsewhere.

What is your current must-see TV show and why?

In the Brooks household, Saturday night is Strictly night. Or to be precise, everyone else has to shut up while I take myself off to the ballroom of dreams. In reality, they refuse to be quiet and take the mickey out of me, telling me how much I’m turning into my mother, who is a fellow SCD fan. But I don’t care. I started watching the show for work but I was soon gripped. It’s old fashioned but it’s modern. The professional dancers are exciting and the celebrities both impress and annoy me. I shout at the screen when the judges give ridiculously high points for routines that don’t deserve it (like I would know…) I also have my own score pads so if one of the judges leaves, the producers know where to look. If anything’s going to pull me away from PA after 31 years, it would be Strictly. Just don’t ask me to do a fleckerl.

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