Patsy Keating
Patsy is Senior Metadata Editor at PA TV Metadata

Staff Spotlight: Patsy Keating, Senior Metadata Editor

By PA TV Metadata 16/02/2023

PA TV Metadata has been a market leader for more than 30 years and key to that success is an incredible team of dedicated, passionate and knowledgeable staff across our offices in Howden, Letchworth and London. We’re fiercely proud of them.

Following on from our last staff profile featuring TV Content Editor Simon BrooksSenior Metadata Editor Patsy Keating shares her fondest memories, career highlights and what her must-watch TV shows are.

How long have you worked at PA TV Metadata and what are the responsibilities of a Senior Metadata Editor?

I have worked here for seven years and in my role as a Senior Metadata Editor, I mainly oversee the production of the Warner Bros. Discovery UK and EMEA channels in the Letchworth office. I’m the first port-of-call for queries from the client and make sure things are running smoothly and any problems that crop up from time to time are quickly dealt with. I also dabble in channel management work and make sure the kitchen is stocked with tea.

Image showing Patsy Keating, the person featured in this staff profile from the company PA TV Metadata.
Patsy is Senior Metadata Editor at PA TV Metadata, and has been with the company for seven years, starting as a Junior Editor in 2015 when the company was EBS – based in Letchworth, Hertfordshire.

What has been your career journey at PA TV Metadata?

I started at PA TV Metadata (formerly EBS) in May 2015 as a Junior Editor. It was my first ‘proper’ post-uni job; I had a degree in Film and Television studies but no practical experience and I couldn’t drive. So, when I discovered a TV-based job two train stops away in Baldock, I couldn’t believe my luck. After three interviews, I was hired to work on the Digiguide software. Since then, I’ve seen five job titles, three offices and one company merger, and now here I am as a Senior Metadata Editor at PA. I’ll always be grateful to the people who took a chance on the 22-year-old me, and the people who’ve helped and supported me along the way. Also, I can drive now, just for the record.

What has been your absolute favourite TV show since you joined the company and why?

I find it so difficult to pick favourites for some reason but if I had to, probably Parks and Recreation (it started before I joined but I didn’t watch it then). It’s so relentlessly cheerful and optimistic, even in the episodes where things don’t go to plan. It’s my go-to show when I’m feeling down. Honourable mention to It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia, which is, ironically, the polar opposite to Parks and Rec, but also great.

Picture of Parks and Recreation, the TV show that is referenced in the staff spotlight of Patsy Keating, Senior Metadata Editor at PA TV Metadata.
Since Patsy joined PA TV Metadata, one of her favourite TV shows has been Parks and Recreation. Image copyright: 2009 Open 4 Business Productions LLC/Justin Lubin. All Rights Reserved.

Do you have any favourite memories from working at PA TV Metadata?

Pizza parties, Christmas dos and any time I’ve been able to share a great moment with my colleagues. I work with some excellent people.

If you had the power to revive one TV show that is no longer on our screens, what would it be and why?

A few of my favourite ‘finished’ shows spring to mind – Friends, Brooklyn Nine-Nine, BoJack Horseman – but to be honest, I don’t think any of them need to come back because it feels like they ended at the right time, in the right way. Bringing them back now would ruin the excellent runs they had. I think some things are better left alone. On the other hand, there can never be too much Parks and Recreation in the world…

What has been your proudest moment in your time working at PA TV Metadata?

Probably taking the reins on the Discovery account. I was not expecting the role to come along, and certainly didn’t see it coming my way – but I love what I do and I’m intensely proud of where the account is now after almost five years under my remit.

Picture of hit TV show The Last of Us which is referenced in the staff spotlight  of Patsy Keating, Senior Metadata Editor at PA TV Metadata.
Patsy has already started watching hit show The Last of Us and is excited for future episodes! Image copyright: 2023 Home Box Office, Inc. All Rights Reserved.

What is your current must-see TV show and why?

I’m answering this having just watched the first episode of The Last of Us, which feels too fresh for me to comment on properly but seems like it’s going to be good. Also, The Mandalorian, which comes back for season three in March. You don’t need to be a Star Wars fan. It’s really just a fantastic show with excellent performances, storytelling and worldbuilding. I watched the season two finale in a lunchbreak on the day it came out and had to go back to work in tears because it was so overwhelming. Basically, what I’m saying is, any show with Pedro Pascal in a lead role fighting baddies and taking care of a child is worth your time.

Keep posted for our next Staff Spotlight next month!

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