Holly Cowell
Holly is TV Metadata Manager for PA TV Metadata

Staff Spotlight: Holly Cowell, TV Metadata Manager

By PA TV Metadata 17/04/2023

PA TV Metadata is a market leading metadata services provider for channels and VOD platforms, and being at the forefront of success for more than 30 years is down to an incredible team of dedicated, passionate and knowledgeable staff across our offices in Howden, Letchworth and London who we’re all fiercely proud of.

Following on from our last staff profile featuring Senior Metadata Editor Patsy Keating – TV Metadata Manager Holly Cowell, talks about her career journey, including her fondest memories of working with the team so far and her proudest moment.

What is your current role at PA TV Metadata?

My role is TV Metadata Manager. In this position, I have a lot of responsibility and find it really interesting how every day is different. My role includes operational ownership, recruitment and invoicing for international translators, line management for 15 staff members, account management, management of quality procedures, and much more.

Supporting my team is the thing I most enjoy – knowing that everyone feels supported, respected and valued gives me an enormous amount of pride.

Picture of Holly Cowell to add further context to who Holly is, of whom the blog post is profiling.
Holly Cowell – TV Metadata Manager

Tell us about your career journey at PA TV Metadata?

I had just completed my MSc in Publishing and was looking for an entry-level role in media which would give me the opportunity to build a career in my chosen field. I had friends who had completed training with various departments within PA Media Group and spoke highly of the company so felt my development would be in safe hands (I was right).

With that first role when I joined, I needed to have a good eye for detail and basic editorial skills, but mostly I learnt everything I needed to know on the job through supportive colleagues . Since I joined I have moved around the Entertainment Data area and have been given invaluable training along the way, including a L5 ILM Operational Management qualification.

I have now been with the company for 10 years and in that time I have been a Listings Producer, Team Leader, and now, a Metadata Manager.

And I look forward to a continuing career with the company!

What has been your absolute favourite TV show since you joined the company and why?

Mad Men – an absolutely classic.

Do you have any favourite memories from working at PA TV Metadata?

Winning Team of the Year at the Goole & Howdenshire Business Excellence Awards in 2022 was incredible, and fantastic to see the team’s efforts recognised.

We were at the awards again recently in 2023, and there I saw one of my colleagues Natalie Holliday, a Senior Metadata Editor win the Rising Star of the Year award.

This was a particularly proud moment as Natalie reports in to me.

Senior Metadata Editor, Natalie Holliday is mentioned in this profile piece of Holly Cowell and an awards night is referenced - this image is from the awards night mentioned.
Senior Metadata Editor, Natalie Holliday (centre) who reports into Holly, collects the Rising Star of the Year award at the Goole and Howdenshire Business Excellence Awards 2023.

If you had the power to revive one TV show that is no longer on our screens, what would it be and why?

The Thick Of It – I’d love to see Malcolm Tucker’s take on the last few years in UK politics.  

What has been your proudest moment in your time working at PA TV Metadata?

Every Christmas pull-up – being against seemingly impossible deadlines, the team never fail to pull-together and deliver incredible content year-after-year.

Provide a visual example of Holly's answer around the proudest moment working at PA TV Metadata.
Staff at PA TV Metadata work round the clock at Christmas time at the Howden office in Yorkshire to deliver content during the busy festive period in what is dubbed by staff as – Double Issue Night.

Keep posted for our next Staff Spotlight next month!

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