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Introducing the newest member of our Mediapoint team - Zain Hamid

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 20/07/2022

Zain Hamid recently joined the PA Mediapoint team. We caught up with him to talk about settling into his new role.

Tell us a bit about yourself?

I am a Pakistani from Surrey who supports Spurs, graduated in Marketing Communications & Advertising from Kingston University and I have been working in sales for the last 7 years and happy to kick start my new career with PA Mediapoint.

Why PA Mediapoint?

PA Mediapoint has a fantastic range of products and I am looking forward to working in consultative sales. It is also a positive transitional change from the different types of sales companies I have worked for in the past.

What are you looking forward to in your role?

Looking forward to building new relationships with clients and hitting target so I can progress within the company.

How was your first week?

My first week was hectic as there was a lot to take in, this was also enjoyable learning about the product and how great it is. Working back in the city is a whole different vibe, so far so good.

Since you have started your new role, what have you been up to?

I have managed to learn the demo amongst other onboarding activities with Sam Follett (Head of Sales) which will help massively now as I am starting to build my pipeline. Met all my colleagues who have been nice and friendly and easy to speak to. Also, I have attended the monthly team drinks so nice to get out of the office and socialise with colleagues.

What is your area of specialism and why do you feel you will be successful in the market?

I have worked in Sales for the last 7 years so this has helped me become the sales professional I am today meaning I have done face to face sales where I have been running exhibitions, cold calling, business development, so having a mix of everything will help me excel here at PA Mediapoint.

What are your goals in the next 12 months?

Earn as much as I can and save!

What do you like doing in your free time?

I play football for my local club, and part of a team where we run a white-collar boxing promotion, and we do 3-5 shows a year. Our next boxing show will be at York Hall in September, so we are moving up in the game. I also am a big foodie so always travelling for food.

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