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PR Week Awards 2015

By Craig Gunn 21/10/2015

Last night a few of us from TNR dug through our cupboards and dusted off our black-tie attire to get glammed up for the PR Week Awards – and what a night it was! It is always great to see brilliant work from companies, consultancies, third sectors and charities being showcased, celebrated and rewarded.

Particularly exciting for us at TNR was seeing so much of our content on the big screen, as part of a number of nominated and winning campaigns. We are lucky enough at TNR to be a part of a team who love what they do, who thrive off creative challenges and work tirelessly to deliver great content; but it is always a proud moment when your hard work is recognised by your peers.

One particular project that we really enjoyed working on was Taylor Herring’s Polar Bear Roaming London stunt, to promote Sky Atlantic’s Fortitude. We worked closely with their team on the video production and photography for the stunt and we are thrilled for the recognition they rightly received on the night. They received two of the night’s most prestigious awards, including Best use of creativity and Campaign of the year: techniques, for the stunt. You can see the full case study on Taylor Herring’s website here>>

While it was a night of celebrating the art of PR, one of the main highlights for us HAD to be the giant game of Pointless – Alexander Armstrong and Richard Osman did not disappoint as hosts!

All in all, it was an inspirational, glitzy and exciting evening – we can’t wait until next year!

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