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January Staff Spotlight

By Craig Gunn 03/02/2016

This month’s Staff Spotlight is on Laura!

1. What does your usual day consist of?

Arriving at Starbucks (other coffee chains are available) at 8.45am to get a LARGE cappuccino and despairing when my name gets written as Lora on the side of the cup. If it’s a Monday, I’ll start the day with a production team meeting so I can discuss upcoming projects and de-brief on the previous week’s work. No day on the production desk is ever the same – we could be out on shoots, working in post-production, in client meetings or storyboarding and coming up with new ideas for content. It’s such a mixed bag which is why I love it so much! As Assistant Production Manager I am also responsible for managing the workflow of all the producers, camera operators and editors to ensure all deadlines are met and clients are happy with the results. So if anything goes wrong in that department, blame me!

2. What is the best part about working at TNR?

The team. I mean look at them! What a bunch of lovelies. Even when I am right up against it with a high-pressure fast-turnaround project, they always manage to put a smile on my face. And then will supply me with a much-needed glass of wine at the end of the day.

3. What has been your favourite project?

Since starting at TNR I have worked on a range of really great projects. We work with some fantastic brands such as Virgin, Museum of London, Magnum… too many to list. I have to say though, I think what is sure to be my FAVOURITE project is one we have coming up in the next few weeks. However, I can’t tell you anything about it at the moment because it’s top secret! Watch this space.

4. What do you like to do when you aren’t at work?

Travel! I love to get away to new places and explore. Preferably somewhere sunny and tropical where I can go diving, lie on beach, climb a mountain etc. Obviously that costs money, so when budget dries up it’s a night in a Travelodge in Skegness.

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