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How will Facebook’s decision to make changes to newsfeed ranking affect brands?

By Craig Gunn 25/01/2018

As Facebook makes adjustments to the algorithms, essentially prioritising posts from the user’s family and friends and making assumptions into what they will be most interested in. Brands and publishers are most likely to find this change the most challenging. Posts from publishers will not be prioritised, favouring social interaction instead.

As Facebook announces changes to its feed in a bid to prioritise posts that spark conversations and meaningful interactions between people. What will happen to publisher’s content and where will brands look to reach their audiences…

The reason for this change was sparked by feedback from the Facebook community. CEO Mark Zuckerberg said “Recently we’ve gotten feedback from our community that public content—posts from businesses, brands, and media—is crowding out the personal moments that lead us to connect more with each other”

Over the past week, experts have been giving their take on what the impact will be, some even think that the reprioritising of ‘meaningful’ posts will have a temporary negative impact on publishers and brands; they predict that both will leave the platform initially to explore other options and then soon return their focus to Facebook as advertisers again.

You could argue that the move means that brands and publishers will have to make a concerted effort when it comes to creating good quality content. Click bait and overly branded content will no longer be good enough.  Creating real engaging newsworthy watchable shareable content that means something, will be the only way to get cut through.

Brands and publishers will not be the only ones affected by the change, it is reported that Facebook’s share price has dropped by a colossal 4.4 per cent after the news feed change was announced.

Surely Facebook have a long term plan in place? Is the intention for the change to make the experience more meaningful for the user, or is the decision a lucrative one, to eventually start charging advertisers more for promoting their posts on Facebook in future?

Here’s what Press Association’s Video desk think about the move:

We asked Joe Pickover, Deputy Head of Video about the possible effects for news publishers:

Q: What is your view on the recent Facebook change?

A: “Facebook’s decision to make changes to news feed ranking is significant.

It poses new challenges to the industry, particularly to publishers with social first strategies.

Social, brand and news video has expanded rapidly in recent years which has led to the platform becoming busier and busier.

Mark Zuckerberg coined it the crowding out of ‘personal moments.’

Facebook’s renewed focus on prioritising posts from families and friends will have a knock-on effect.

Ultimately personal content from Facebook users will be more prominent and content from publishers will appear less frequently.”

Q: What does it mean for the future of video news content?

A: “The full impact this change will have on publishers is yet to be revealed.

We are still to learn the extent in which posts from pages, publishers and social influencers will be reduced in the news feed of Facebook users.

Facebook’s modified structure will affect the industry, as new changes always do.

It might force publishers to think more about their models and the best way to monetise content.

However, the changes should not affect the long-term future of publishers. As always with the media industry, adapting to change is the best way to stay relevant.”

To echo Joe Pickover, surely change is a good thing and the best way for brands and publishers to stay relevant. Only time will tell the full impact it will have on the social content sphere and how content creators will respond.

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