Craig Gunn
Craig Gunn is Head of Assignments at PA Media
Award winning commercial photo and video to connect brands and audiences.

Four lessons from our recent Project restart webinar

By Craig Gunn 07/07/2020

PA Media recently hosted Project restart, a webinar focussed on helping organisations launch effective campaigns in challenging times, which attracted over 200 PR and comms professionals. The panel included some of PA Media’s experts in the industry including myself, Simon Neville (City Editor) and Ann Wright (PA Training’s crisis management expert).

In this post, I share our four key takeaways from the webinar:

1. Always keep your reputation in mind
Doing the wrong thing can permanently scar the reputation of a business. Through this pandemic there are many companies who are doing what they think they must do to survive, even if it is hugely detrimental to their reputation. There are organisations who have enhanced their reputation over the past few months, by sharing how they are doing the right thing in line with their company values, such as delivering free meals to NHS staff or charitable donations.

2. Be consistent with your communications
External and internal messaging must be clear, in the right tone and regular to ensure both clients and staff feel kept in the loop. During difficult times, it is essential to ensure your communications are relevant and help to inform and educate those concerned.

3. Be authentic
The best content comes from authentic people telling their experiences. To execute a successful visual campaign, the photography and video content must visualise ‘the who’, ‘the where’ and ‘the what it is’ to tell the story. To maximise the chances of journalists picking up your story or press release, consider how you can make it stand-out whilst being open and honest with your pitch.

4. Make sure you are aware of the news agenda
You have to be agile and react to the news agenda. Newsrooms will only want to hear from PR professionals if they have something specific and new to add to the day’s stories. If your press release doesn’t directly relate to any, you will need to look at how you can link your story to current news or reconsider the timing. To ensure you get the best results when you are happy to proceed, you should consider writing your release for the specific journalists (not consumers) you are sending it to, highlighting the news angle of your release and sharing relevant assets that help visualise your brand’s story.

To watch the webinar in full, please click here.

If you’re looking to create great campaigns with tangible results, you might also be interested in our PR Strategy, Measurement and Evaluation course. Find out more here:

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