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Digital or print PR coverage…which has the most sway?

By Craig Gunn 30/06/2014

There was some rather interesting research done by the media regulator Ofcom featured in PR Week recently. A survey of 2,731 people showed that 41% of them now accessed news on websites and through apps which has slightly risen above newspapers at 40%.

To be honest this in itself isn’t a shock as the rise of digital consumption is very well documented and still on a steep increase. The part that interests me is whether this will ultimately impact the end client and their perception of success.

I know there is always the prestige of seeing your PR in print and physically getting the ink on your fingers, but with the continued increase in digital news consumption and the longevity it has online there will surely be a tipping point when clients rank importance of online coverage above print.

It’s also encouraging to see TV still ranking so highly at 75% for news consumption, although there was a slight decline on 2013. I still think that nothing beats a good broadcast PR campaign and while digital is certainly a rising force with online media going from strength to strength, the impact of seeing your PR campaign on TV still can’t be beaten.

I’d be interested to hear what industry folk think; does the client still prefer print over online coverage?

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