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Joe, Regional Photographer

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 18/11/2016

I currently work as a regional photographer for PA. I started working for the company in 2003… a week after my 16th birthday! Back then my time was spent in the Nottingham office split between the sports picture desk, production department and newspaper sales teams. My day to day work would involve receiving images from our sports photographers around the country, editing them appropriately and then loading them onto the archive and sending them out on the wire to a variety of clients. That’s where my interest in photography first really began and I learnt a lot from seeing images from photographers in front of me every day!

Almost 11 years later, and having learnt a lot from fellow photographers as well as many other PA employees along the way, I’m now a fully-fledged regional photographer.  My typical day involves firstly checking for news stories or events that might make good pictures for our clients whether that be newspapers, magazines or websites.  These can range from important events for the wire such as Royal visits or breaking national news stories right down to quirky local events that may not make a great story for words but could produce some interesting pictures.  I’ll usually check in with our Midlands reporters first and then speak to other photographers in the area to see what the day has to offer.

A great team spirit around our Midlands patch helps to make the job so enjoyable and an important part is working together with our reporters and video journalists to ensure that together we cover all relevant events fully so that we offer a complete package to customers.  Aside from news, I also cover a range of sports and showbiz events too.

Working for PA has become as much of a lifestyle as it has a job and it’s something I can’t imagine changing!  The job itself ensures that you can almost guarantee that no two days will be the same – I certainly can’t think of many jobs where you could be sleeping in a tent inside CampBastion one week and then sitting pitchside at Villa Park photographing Premier League football the next!

Although the majority of my work is around the Midlands, the most exciting and rewarding part of the job for me is when the opportunity arises to travel around the world capturing news and sporting events in countries that you would otherwise never visit.  This summer I’ll be heading out to Brazil with a team of Press Association photographers, reporters and video journalists to cover the FIFA World Cup.  Although it’ll involve long days in a challenging working environment it’s something I’m really looking forward to and could potentially be the highlight of my career at PA so far!