Wildfires have ravaged large parts of Greece in recent weeks (Petros Giannakouris/AP)

Wildfires are more likely to spread and become serious because of climate change

By August Graham, PA
12:24 - August 07, 2023

There have been many claims that arson, not climate change, is to blame for the hundreds of wildfires engulfing large parts of the Mediterranean region.

In a widely shared tweet, one Twitter user said “climate change, my arse,” and linked to a news article about arson in Greece.

Net Zero Watch, a group whose board includes former Conservative minister Andrea Jenkyns, asked whether people who say that Greek wildfires were caused by climate change should be called “conspiracy theorists?” The post included a screenshot of a Guardian article saying most of the fires were started “by human hand”.

Jordan Peterson, a Canadian author and commentator, shared a tweet with a screenshot of the same Guardian article, claiming: “Almost all the 667 fires in Greece were not caused by climate change but by humans!” Mr Peterson added: “The lying liars lied again.”

Evaluation: Misleading

While it is true that Greek officials have pointed to human negligence or arson as the cause of most of the wildfires, it is inaccurate to imply that climate change is not also to blame for the scale and severity.

The same officials have said that the difference to wildfires in past years was an unprecedented heatwave caused by climate change.

The facts

What have Greek officials said?

Two of the claims included a screenshot of an article on the Guardian’s website, which showed the headline and standfirst, but did not include the full piece where there is more context from the same source.

The article is based on comments from Vassilis Kikilias, the Greek minister of climate crisis and civil protection, who lays the blame both with arsonists and with climate change.

“During this time 667 fires erupted, that is more than 60 fires a day, almost all over the country. Unfortunately, the majority were ignited by human hand, either by criminal negligence or intent,” he said.

“The difference with other years were the weather conditions. Climate change, which yielded a historic and unprecedented heatwave, is here. There were very few days where the extreme weather was not combined with strong winds.”

Why do experts blame wildfires on climate change if arsonists set the fires?

While wildfires are more likely to spread due to the effects of climate change, each individual fire still needs to be lit by someone or something.

That could be an arsonist, a faulty electricity cable, someone grilling their sausages outdoors who turned their back for a moment, or many other causes.

US space agency Nasa explained: “While every fire needs a spark to ignite and fuel to burn, it’s the hot and dry conditions in the atmosphere that determine the likelihood of a fire starting, its intensity and the speed at which it spreads.

“Over the past several decades, as the world has increasingly warmed, so has its potential to burn.”

Nasa added: “For example, in 2018 sparks flying from hammering a concrete stake into the ground in 100-degree Fahrenheit (37.8C) heat and sparks from a car’s tyre rim scraping against the asphalt after a flat tyre were the causes of California’s devastatingly destructive Ranch and Carr Fires, respectively.

“These sparks quickly ignited the vegetation that was dried out and made extremely flammable by the same extreme heat and low humidity, which research also shows can contribute to a fire’s rapid and uncontrollable spread.”

What do the campaigners who posted the claim say?

Net Zero Watch said: “This was a light-hearted tweet, drawing attention to the fact that those who question conventional wisdom regarding the link between wildfires and climate change are often dismissed as ‘conspiracy theorists’.

“It was not intended to be a thorough discussion of the causes of wildfires, although the Greek government claimed that most of the wildfires were caused by arson.”


Claim on Twitter (archived)

Net Zero Watch claim on Twitter (archived)

Third claim on Twitter (archived)

Guardian article (archived)

Nasa on wildfires (archived)

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