The Prime Minister has claimed that the new dental contract has led to more dentists across the UK (John Giles/PA)

Too early to show whether the NHS Dental contract led to more dentists

By Ella Pickover, PA
15:38 - January 27, 2023

The Prime Minister has claimed that as a result of “the new reformed NHS dentistry contract, there are now more NHS dentists across the UK, with more funding, making sure people can get the treatment they need.”

But the British Dental Association (BDA) accused Rishi Sunak of a “wholesale misrepresentation” of the facts, saying “not one of the PM’s claims is accurate”.

Evaluation: Missing context

Reforms to the NHS dentistry contract were introduced in July 2022 – and the revised contract came into force in November.

But the latest data on NHS dentist staffing figures relate to financial year of 2021/22, and the latest complete funding data relates to 2020/21.

This means both sets of figures relate to the time before the contract was introduced.

The facts

How many dentists are working in England?

Information on the number of dentists employed to perform NHS work in England is only published annually with the latest data relating to the financial year 2021/22.

The data show there were more dentists performing NHS work in 2021/22 compared with 2020/21 – 24,272 dentists performed NHS activity during 2021-22, an increase of 539 on the previous year – but there were still fewer dentists in 2021/22 compared to before the pandemic.

In 2019/20 there were 24,684 dentists working in England.

Workforce figures for 2022/23 will be published later this year – which will include the period when dentists transitioned from the old to the new contract.

Does this mean dentists are able to make sure patients “can get the treatment they need”?

Figures on the number of patients seen by an NHS dentist in England are also only published annually.

The latest data, from NHS Digital, also show that 16.4 million adults were seen by an NHS dentist in the two years to 30 June 2022.

This is a decrease from the 18.2 million seen in the 24-months to 30 June 2021, the figures show.

But 5.6 million children were seen by an NHS dentist in the 12 months up to 30 June 2022.

This represents a rise from the previous year when 3.9 million children were seen by an NHS dentist in the 12 months up to 30 June 2021.

Patient champion Healthwatch England said that “access to NHS dental care continues to be one of the main issues we hear about from the public”.

There are currently no publicly-available statistics on waiting times for NHS dentists, or on the availability of dentists across England.

But have dentists got more money?

NHS dentistry in England is funded by a combination of payments from NHS England (made via the NHS Business Services Authority) and charges for some patients.

According to a House of Commons Library Research Briefing the contribution by the NHS in England of total funding for dental services fell by 9% in real terms between 2010/11 and 2019/20. Over the same period income from patient charges increased by 17%.

But according to the latest annual report and accounts from the Department of Health and Social Care some £3.031 billion was spent on NHS dentistry in England in 2020/21, up from £2.958 billion the previous year.

Meanwhile, in January 2022 the NHS announced a one-off £50 million cash injection for dentistry in a bid to help dentists increase capacity.

But the money was only available for just over three months – announced on January 25 with dentists told it was only available until the end of the financial year.

The BDA said that a Freedom of Information request sent to the NHS Businesses Services Authority revealed that just £14.1 million was actually spent.

So has the new dental contract led to more dentists and more funding in the UK?

The NHS dental contract was introduced in England in 2006 and has remained largely unchanged since then until the reforms were announced in July.

NHS England said the revised contract would mean dentists are paid more for treating more complex cases and free up dentists’ time by giving dental therapists a wider remit, among other changes.

The contract came into effect in November, with the full impact of the reforms to be revealed through data in coming months and years.

Number 10 was asked by PA for the source of the data behind the Prime Minister’s claim and a response was sent by the Department of Health and Social Care.

A spokesperson for the department said: “We are determined to make sure everybody seeking NHS dental care can receive it when they need it, and we have recently implemented dental reforms to deliver this – with the GP Patient Survey showing over 75% of patients who tried to get a dental appointment in the last two years were successful.

“The number of dentists practising in the NHS increased by over 500 last year and we are continuing work to improve access to dental care – backed by more than £3 billion annually.

“Alongside fairer pay for practices to take on high needs patients, dentists are now required to make it clear which practices are taking on new patients and the services available in addition to supporting the whole dental workforce to work to their full scope of practice which will help improve patient access to dental care.”

Finally, the Prime Minister used the term “the UK”, when his Department of Health and Social Care is only responsible for the health of patients in England.


The Prime Minister’s claim (archived tweet and video)

The BDA’s accusation of false claims (archived)

NHS dental contract reform announcement (archived)

The roll out of the reformed contract (archived)

NHS dental staffing figures 2021-22 (archived)

NHS dental staffing figures 2020-21 (archived)

NHS dental staffing figures 2019-20 (archived)

Adults seen by an NHS dentist in 2021-22 (archived)

Adults seen by an NHS dentist in 2020-21 (archived)

Full cost of the NHS dental service (2020/21) (archived)

Healthwatch England position on NHS dentistry (archived)

House of Commons Library Research Briefing on Dentistry in England (archived)

NHS England announcement on £50 million cash injection (archived)

BDA Freedom of Information request on the amount of money spent from £50 million cash injection (archived)

NHS Businesses Services Authority Freedom of Information response (archived)

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