The UK plans to cut emissions by 68% by the end of the decade (Barry Batchelor/PA)

The UK’s 2030 emissions targets are more ambitious than several other countries

By August Graham, PA Business Reporter
16:25 - October 06, 2023

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said the UK is planning to cut emissions by 2030 faster than a series of other countries.

He said the UK’s 68% emissions reduction target was ahead of the EU, Australia, the US, Japan, Canada and New Zealand.

Evaluation: True

The UK’s 2030 target – although this is not the same as what it will achieve – is higher than all of the above countries.

However, different countries measure their emissions reductions against different baseline years and the US figure has been rounded to the nearest 10 percentage points, unlike the others.

Targets are not the same as achievements, and there is no guarantee any of the countries mentioned will reach their goals.

The facts

Mr Sunak said on September 20 2023: “We have committed to reduce our carbon emissions by 2030 by 68%.”

He added: “That’s a commitment that we’re sticking to today, it’s a commitment that we’re confident we can deliver.

“Just to give you a sense: We’re at 68%, where’s the EU? 55%. Australia? 45. America, Japan, 40. Canada, 20. New Zealand 18.”

These are the stated goals for reducing emissions by 2030 of each country mentioned above, assuming that by America the Prime Minister meant the United States.

UK: 68% compared with 1990

EU: 55% compared with 1990

Australia: 43% compared with 2005

US: 50-52% compared with 2005

Japan: 46% compared with 2013

Canada: 40-45% compared with 2005

New Zealand: 50% compared with 2005

This would appear to imply that while Mr Sunak was correct in the levels he quotes for the UK and the EU, he was wrong for the other five countries.

However, that does not take into account that the other five countries measure their emissions against different baselines.

The Prime Minister’s officials, wanting to provide a more comparable figure for each country, instead calculated what the reductions for each nation would be when compared with their levels in 1990.

It calculated these figures from the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). These are the figures for annual greenhouse gas emissions in carbon dioxide equivalent (CO2e), including land use, land use-change and forestry (LULUCF).

These show that in 1990 Australia emitted around 626 million metric tons (Mt) of CO2e, and 609 MtCO2e in 2005. By 2030 it plans to reduce emissions by 43% below 2005 levels to 347 MtCO2e. That is 45% lower than emissions in 1990.

The same calculations can be done for Canada, which shows that a 40-45% reduction by 2030 compared with 2005 is the same as a 16.81-23.74% reduction compared with 1990 (Mr Sunak quoted the mid-point of 20.27%).

The US figure shows the range of 40.28% to 42.67%. That would imply a mid-range of 41.47% – which is higher than the 40% that Mr Sunak said. This has likely been rounded down.

The calculations for Japan and New Zealand are somewhat more complicated. The 2013 baseline that Japan measures against does not include LULUCF. But including LULUCF, Japan’s 46% target implies a reduction of 39.97%.

The calculations for New Zealand rely on different data because its target is expressed as a 50% reduction in net emissions compared with the 2005 gross emissions level.

Net emissions are gross emissions which also take into account emissions removals from LULUCF. Net emissions are therefore naturally lower than gross emissions. For example, in 2019 New Zealand’s gross emissions were 82.3 MtCO2e, while net emissions were 54.9 MtCO2e.

The data needed to make a comparison to the UK figures is therefore not available from the UNFCC website, and needs to be taken from this spreadsheet.

The spreadsheet shows that New Zealand targets net emissions of 55.9 MtCO2e by 2030. Its gross emissions in 1990 were 68.3 MtCO2e. If New Zealand reaches this target it would mean an 18.2% reduction compared with  the 1990 gross figure.


UK target (archived)

EU target (archived)

Australia target (archived)

US target (archived)

Japan target (archived)

Canada target (archived)

New Zealand target (archived)

New Zealand  net vs gross emissions (archived)

New Zealand spreadsheet (archived)

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