Mr Sunak made a series of claims in his speech (Hollie Adams/PA)

No new flying or meat taxes appear likely to be introduced

By August Graham, PA Business Reporter
19:44 - October 02, 2023

Prime Minister Rishi Sunak said that he had scrapped a series of proposals as part of a plan which changed the way the Government will approach the UK’s legally-binding target to reduce emissions to net zero by 2050.

In a speech on the UK’s climate policies, he claimed to have scrapped proposals which would tell drivers how many passengers they must carry, to tax meat, a plan to give each household seven bins, or new taxes on flying.

Evaluation: Missing context

All of these things have been proposed at some point by someone, but there is little evidence that any of the proposals were close to being implemented by the Government.

The facts

Speaking on September 20, Mr Sunak said: “The proposal for Government to interfere in how many passengers you can have in your car. I’ve scrapped it.

“The proposal that we should force you to have seven different bins in your home. I’ve scrapped it.

“The proposal to make you change your diet – and harm British farmers – by taxing meat – or to create new taxes to discourage flying or going on holiday. I’ve scrapped those too.”

Meat tax

When pressed by BBC Radio 4 on who had proposed a tax on meat, the Prime Minister mentioned the Climate Change Committee (CCC), an official body set up to advise the Government.

But Mr Sunak appeared unable to point to anything more than a recommendation to cut meat and dairy consumption, not to tax it.

The CCC’s recommendation is: “Take low-cost, low-regret actions to encourage a 20% shift away from all meat by 2030, rising to 35% by 2050, and a 20% shift from dairy products by 2030, demonstrating leadership in the public sector whilst improving health.”

Asked on BBC Radio 4’s Today programme (at 51 minutes) about the meat tax, CCC chief executive Chris Stark said: “I hadn’t suggested a tax on meat, I know that others have. But he seemed to be cancelling a set of policies that the Government hadn’t announced, which is, I suppose, a political technique.”

A meat tax has been proposed by Green Party MP Caroline Lucas, but Ms Lucas is the only Green Party member of parliament.

The PA news agency can find no evidence that any of the major parties – Labour, the Conservatives, the Scottish National Party or the Liberal Democrats – have proposed a meat tax.

In December last year the Government told US broadcaster CNBC that there were “no plans” to introduce a meat tax.

Meat is currently exempt from value added tax (VAT).

Seven different bins

On Radio 4 Mr Sunak was asked (at around 2 hours and 22 minutes): “Was the Government considering forcing people to have seven bins, another proposal you said you’ve scrapped?”

In response he said: “Yes, if you look in the Environment Act and the associated consultations that were in place around 2021 from memory.

“There’s a very clear statement in there about moving to consistent collection for recycling, the clear implication of which is seven bins and you can go through and again that’s what people have raised concerns with and that’s what the policy work was looking at.”

The relevant law is Section 57 of the Environment Act 2021. This relates to England only.

It states that “recyclable household waste in each recyclable waste stream must be collected separately,” although provides exceptions for when “it is not technically or economically practicable” or “has no significant environmental benefit.”

The “recyclable waste streams” are: Glass, metal, plastic, paper and card, food waste, garden waste. This could imply six bins.

These “must be collected separately from other household waste,” which could be taken to imply a seventh bin.

Local councils said in 2021 that Government plans could have made seven bins a necessity.

The District Councils’ Network, which represents 183 English councils, said it was “concerned that towns and cities where space is limited will struggle to accommodate the extra bins.”

In some countries people already sort their waste into several different categories – called at-source separation.

For individual households this can be achieved without extra bins, but having several segments in one of them where different types of waste can be put.

North Somerset Council trialled the system in May 2023 and said that “participants responded positively.” Some participants said that the larger bins were harder to move.

But regardless, the Government said that the seven-bin plan was not going to happen anyway.

In an official email headed “Simpler Recycling”, the Department for Environment Food and Rural Affairs (Defra) said: “Whilst it was never the case that seven bins would be needed by households, this new plan ensures it.”

Car passenger numbers

Mr Sunak said that he had scrapped “the proposal for government to interfere in how many passengers you can have in your car.”

The Government’s Carbon Budget Delivery Plan, published in March, said that “increasing average road vehicle occupancy,” could help reduce emissions.

But the document merely said it would “consider measures” that would reverse recent reductions in the number of passengers in each vehicle on UK roads “should this be required to stay on track to meet carbon budget obligations.”

It said nothing about how many passengers a driver “can have” in their car.

The Department for Transport in a 2021 report said that increasing the average number of passengers in a commuting car by 10% could save as much carbon as doubling passenger rail use.

It said: “We will take action to increase average road vehicle occupancy by 2030,” and that it would “encourage shared occupancy.”

It added: “We are continuing to build our evidence base to understand the barriers and potential policies to increase the uptake of shared mobility and will work with industry and local authorities to understand where further action can be taken.”

Taxes on flying

Mr Sunak said that he has scrapped proposals “to create new taxes to discourage flying or going on holiday.”

Air Passenger Duty, which is a charge airlines pay for every passenger they carry from a UK airport.

From April this year the Government cut the level of APD that is paid for domestic flights was reduced from £13 to £6.50.

A 2023 report from the Climate Change Committee said that: “Emissions from flying are not reflected in the cost of flying; this could be addressed using fiscal policies, such as frequent flyer levies and taxation.”

In a recommendation to the Treasury, it added: “Demand-mitigation measures should be used to address price imbalances between aviation and low-emission forms of surface transport (e.g. rail travel). Taxes should send clearer signals to consumers on the high emissions cost of flying (e.g. by reversing the 2021 cut in Air Passenger Duty).”

While this does recommend an increase in Air Passenger Duty, it would not be introducing a “new tax” as Mr Sunak said.

The Government itself has already announced a small increase in APD, to £7 from the start of next April.


Mr Sunak’s speech as delivered

Official text of Mr Sunak’s speech (archived)

Mr Sunak on Radio 4

CCC 2023 progress report (archived)

Today Programme September 21 (archived)

Report on CCC chief executive Chris Stark’s comments (archived)

Caroline Lucas calls for meat tax (archived)

CNBC on meat tax (archived)

Government guidance on food VAT (archived)

Environment Act 2021, Section 57 (archived)

District Councils’ Network (archived)

Compartmentalised bins (archived)

North Somerset trial of new bins (archived)

Defra email (archived)

Carbon Budget Delivery Plan, March 2023 (archived)

Decarbonising Transport report (archived)

OBR on Air Passenger Duty (archived)

Historic rates for Air Passenger Duty (archived)

Air Passenger Duty rates (archived)

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