There are no plans to pay British citizens to leave the country (PA)

Fact check: There will be no payment offered to British citizens to leave the UK

By Will Grimond, PA
12:02 - June 14, 2024

Claims on TikTok and YouTube have suggested Prime Minister Rishi Sunak has announced plans to pay British citizens £75,000 to leave the country.


This claims likely stems from a satirical social media account. The Prime Minister has not announced any such plans.

The Facts

This claim likely originated with – or was initially spread by – a TikTok account and linked YouTube channel which labels itself “a satirical parody site”.

The channel uploaded a video to TikTok in June 2023, where a narrator said Rishi Sunak had announced plans to pay people £75,000 to bring down net migration.

This video has since received more than 200,000 likes. It was reposted to YouTube and TikTok on June 4 this year.

Other social media users have shared the clips without a disclaimer that it is satire or parody.

There have been no announcements from Government which support the original claim.


Claim on TikTok (archived post and video – downloads as a file)

YouTube short (archived post and video)

Bull’s Nose News, YouTube page (archived)

Bull’s Nose News TikTok video, June 2023 (archived post and video download)

Reposted video on TikTok (archived)

Reposted video on YouTube (archived)

Election Check 24

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