Downton Abbey creator Lord Fellowes has sat in the Lords since 2011 (Ian West/PA)

Downton Abbey creator has voted hundreds of times in the Lords since 2012

By August Graham, PA
10:39 - July 26, 2023

A widely-shared tweet has claimed that Julian Fellowes, who is Baron Fellowes of West Stafford and the creator of hit TV show Downton Abbey, had not voted in the House of Lords for 11 years.

The tweet read: “downton abbey creator sir Julian fellows (sic) hadn’t voted in the lords for 11 years.

“last night he turned up to help pass a bill to lock up refugee orphans and send gay people back to countries they fled from.”

At the time of writing in July 2023 the tweet had been viewed around 450,000 times, liked around 10,100 times and retweeted 2,500 times.

Evaluation: Partly false

In the 11 years before the Bill consideration referenced in the tweet, Lord Fellowes voted 457 times in the House of Lords – his most recent previous involvement was on the Public Order Bill in March.

On July 17 he voted five times on aspects of the Illegal Migration Bill – since passed as the Illegal Migration Act – which does allow the Government to detain unaccompanied children, including orphans, and deport gay people, although not to any country.

The facts

What is Lord Fellowes’ voting record?

Lord Fellowes was appointed to the House of Lords on January 12, 2011. He has sat as a Conservative peer that entire time.

Since then there have been 1,302 votes in which he could have participated, according to Public Whip, a website which tracks votes in Parliament.

Of these he was present for 539, and voted with his party each time. He was absent for 763 votes, according to the Public Whip record.

The UK’s official record on the website shows that Lord Fellowes voted 537 times in the same period, a discrepancy caused by the way the two websites counted an October 2015 vote.

Julian Fellowes on his first day in the House of Lords as a Conservative peer in January 2011
Julian Fellowes on his first day in the House of Lords as a Conservative peer in January 2011 (House of Lords/PA)

The tweet refers to migration legislation considered in the House of Lords on July 17 2023 where Lord Fellowes voted in support of aspects of the proposed laws five times.

The tweet claims that in the 11 years between July 17 2012 and July 17 2023, Lord Fellowes “hadn’t voted in the lords.”

The record, according to Public Whip, shows there were 1,080 votes where Lord Fellowes could have participated during that time.

He voted in 462 and was absent for 618. Many of these will have been for the same bills since multiple votes are often held on each piece of legislation.

Although Lord Fellowes has voted frequently since 2011, he has made few contributions to discussions and debates in the Lords.

Since 2011 he has only spoken on six occasions: three times in 2011, once in 2015 and twice in 2017.

What does the Illegal Migration Bill say about gay people?

When the Bill was sent by MPs in the House of Commons to the House of Lords for consideration, the upper chamber voted to insert a section which said: “LGBT persons must not be removed to Gambia, Ghana, Jamaica, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mauritius, Nigeria, Rwanda or Sierra Leone”.

However, the House of Commons overruled that decision when the legislation was returned, with MPs saying it was “unnecessary as an LGBT person who is a national of a country specified in the amendment and who makes a protection claim will not be returned to their home country and can make a serious harm suspensive claim in the event that it is proposed to remove them to a safe third country”.

This means it is now possible for someone who identifies as LGBT to be deported to a list of countries considered “safe” by the Government.

What does the Illegal Migration Bill say about orphans?

The Illegal Migration Bill says nothing about orphans specifically.

However, part of the Bill deals with unaccompanied children.

The Lords attempted to insert a clause which would have meant unaccompanied children could only be detained for a maximum of 72 hours, or 96 hours with ministerial approval. The Commons overruled this.

It means there is now no statutory limit on how long a child can be detained under the Illegal Migration Act.

In April the Refugee Council said: “The new legislation, if passed, would allow the UK Government to detain any child arriving in the UK by boat, or without permission to enter, and potentially remove them to the country they have fled or a third country.”

The Government has introduced an amendment which would give a child who came to the UK on their own a chance to apply for immigration bail after eight days if they are being detained in order to be sent back to their home country or to reunite with family elsewhere.

However, children not subject to removal will not be released on immigration bail until 28 days have passed.


Original tweet (archived)

Lord Fellowes’ appointment (archived)

Lord Fellowes’ page on Public Whip (archived)

Lord Fellowes’ record on the website (archived)

Lord Fellowes’ speaking record (archived)

Illegal Migration Bill, Commons Insistence and Reasons (archived)

Illegal Migration Bill (archived)

Refugee Council on detaining children (archived)

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