Joseph Hook
Joseph is Editor of RADAR
Learn more about RADAR's AI-powered journalism services

RADAR: Understanding AI-powered journalism

By Joseph Hook 16/08/2022

Hearing AI (Artificial Intelligence) and journalism in the same sentence might make you think that robots will be soon replacing the role of news reporters.

That isn’t the case for RADAR, an AI-generated news operation led by Editor, Joseph Hook. We speak to Joseph about how RADAR works and rather than replace the role of journalists, how it can support the work they do through automation and help scale an editorial team’s output.

1. AI Journalism is a broad discipline, can you briefly tell us about RADAR?

At RADAR, we combine journalists’ skills with AI technology to allow us to write stories for local papers across the UK. AI is being used in a lot of ways in journalism – to identify trends in data, to promote stories, to find potential subscribers – but we have a clear purpose: to use it to make the most of the work our reporters are doing. We’re heavily rooted in traditional journalism, with our reporters identifying story angles and writing the copy. Then the AI steps in, to tailor our pieces to every locality across the UK, making stories relevant to local readerships.

2. RADAR fuses journalism and automation technology, tell us a bit more about the stories you and your journalists cover?

We cover the full range of news topics – crime, health, leisure, etc – but all our pieces are grounded in local data. Because we can use AI to scale up our output, we can afford the time to dig into datasets other journalists might not be able to, and do deeper analyses of figures. Our content is not only locally relevant, but written ready to print: our pieces are generally lead-length, and fully fleshed out with quotes and context.

3. What are the benefits of AI Journalism in supporting editors and newsroom with stories?

We see our content used in many different places, primarily in two ways. Much of it is published as we provide it, unaltered – digging into important local issues which are sometimes hidden in dense data, we can provide stories which would otherwise go unreported. But we’re a wire service, so we often also see our copy used as a basis for pieces: sometimes it’s just because we’ve done the heavy lifting on the data work and number crunching, on other occasions they want to flesh it out into an extended report, with local case studies and voices.

4. If a customer were looking for bespoke content, is this something RADAR can provide?

Alongside our core news service, we’ve run a variety of projects looking into different types of content: other countries, sports, financial – where there’s data with a story behind it, we’re specialists at turning it into well-crafted words.

5. What other locations does your AI-generated news cover?

We’ve been focused on the UK market since our launch over four years ago, but are now starting to look at other English-language markets: and yes, Australia looks like it’ll be our first port of call!

6. How many stories do your journalists file on average a day?

A lot! Last year we filed over 187,000 stories – so that’s roughly 150/day each, for each of our reporters on average.

To learn more about RADAR, click here.

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