Edd Dracott
Edd is PA Media's Real Life Editor

Ordinary people experiencing extraordinary things - a spotlight on PA Media's Real Life team

By PA Media 16/05/2023

One of the busiest editorial teams in PA Media’s newsroom is the Real Life news team. Each day, these journalists are sourcing the net and various social media platforms for inspiring real life stories from everyday people. These stories prove extremely popular with readers with their relatable storylines and fascinating characters.

To give you a firmer understanding of what the Real Life service is all about, we caught up with Real Life Editor Edd Dracott who answered some burning questions we had about Real Life and what his department do on a daily basis in the first part of a spotlight on his team.

Can you sum up what Real Life is in a few sentences?

Real life is all about exclusive human-interest stories – of which we produce two per weekday.

We find people who have had some kind of remarkable experience and interview them. Every interviewee is signed exclusively to speak only with us, and then we write their story.

It could be on the topic of health, money, crime or just something quirky and bizarre, but every story is about an extraordinary person – or an ordinary person experiencing something extraordinary.

And how does your team go about sourcing these stories? What’s the average working day for them?

A real focus of mine, particularly having worked as Social Media Editor, is finding people online and knowing how you can find real people using simple searches through Twitter, Facebook, Reddit, Instagram and other corners of the internet.

For News, it’s about finding original breaking news stories or reacting to headlines to find the people behind them. Whether it’s the cost of living, strikes, people escaping from Sudan, COVID or Ukraine, we’re finding case studies for those big headline moments.

The image is of Tracy Linstead, whose story is mentioned in the article about Real Life content, and is to provide further context for the type of cost-of-living and Ukraine stories that the Real Life team find, as mentioned in the article.
Story: Mum of four collects thousands of yellow sticker foods for Ukraine refugees and those struggling with cost of living. Tracy Linstead’s story around cost of living and the Ukraine war is a common story for the Real Life team.

With Real Life, it’s all about finding people with a unique story. Sometimes you won’t know what that story is until you find it. Sometimes you have an inclination and so you go out and you put search terms in anticipating what it is that you will find.

What that means is everyone on both teams is constantly exploring the internet, monitoring regimented Tweetdeck searches, plumbing the weird depths of Reddit or embarking on weird TikTok doom scrolls trying to find someone or something original – while working with an excellent network of PRs too of course.

We’re constantly chasing to make sure we consistently have interviews lined up.

Once we have found someone, we will contact them – ensuring we do so compassionately and kindly – and ask them to sign an agreement so they’re working exclusively with us. We’ll then interview them, write the story and read it back to them so they are completely happy with all the facts in it before it goes on to our wire.

Then it’s published, with as many great pictures as we can source – and sometimes an accompanying video too.

We are doing more in person content at the moment too, so if we found someone who’s really compelling near where our reporters live, we’ll send someone down with the camera and a photographer so they can meet in person – which is nice for the reporter and interviewee.

What other plans have you got in place for Real Life as a department and what can we expect for the rest of this year?

We get great usage across nationals, whether it’s from The Mirror, The Mail, The Independent, all of which receive brilliant traffic as our stories are unique. But we also have people across the pond with the New York Post using our coverage and we even have Finnish, Norwegian and Dutch customers who translate our work, as well as usage in Australia.

Picture is of Jacky Tan, the man whose story, sourced by the Real Life team, is mentioned in the article about him visiting 1,000 KFC stores. Purpose of image is to provide further context for that story mentioned.
Jacky Tan (pictured with glasses) sampling fried chicken at some of the 1,000 KFC stores he visited across the world. A story that proved a hit with audiences.

We would really love to be doing more and more stories with fascinating people across the world, whether it’s in the US, whether it’s in Australia, or anywhere looking for great human-interest content.

We recently interviewed a man from Singapore who has tried at least 1,000 different KFC restaurants across 24 countries so we’re trying to do more and more wonderful things from across the world – and it went all over. I think that broad approach gives us appeal from a lot of places, while still meeting the needs of many more traditional UK magazines and nationals.

And on top of the live coverage I mentioned, I think more and more video as well. There are so many of these stories particularly if you find someone online. If they’re on TikTok or Instagram, they’re already chocka with great video content, so it makes so much sense for us to work with them and to be trying to share their stuff and promote their fantastic videos that they’ve already made in our coverage.

Check back soon to read the rest of the Real Life spotlight and discover what Edd thinks is the appeal of these stories, trends he has seen in the stories the team has produced, and some of his favourite stand out stories so far.

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