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tve celebrates its 30th anniversary with a new home at PA

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 04/10/2013

tve is starting its fourth decade by relocating to new offices at PA Group – the parent company of the Press Association (PA).

tve’s London staff will be housed at 292 Vauxhall Bridge Road, the headquarters of PA Group and its subsidiaries, including PA, the national news agency of the UK and Ireland; TNR, a specialist communications consultancy; Globelynx, which provides remotely monitored camera systems for clients to connect with TV news broadcasters in the UK and worldwide; and Sticky Content, a digital copywriting and content strategy agency.

Cheryl Campbell, tve’s executive director, said: “For 30 years tve has produced films for broadcast, and reached hundreds of millions of viewers thanks to partnership – partnership with filmmakers, broadcasters, distributors and many more individuals and organisations around the world.

“This new partnership with PA positions tve perfectly to inspire change as we move into our fourth decade, taking full advantage of everything technology can offer in terms of distribution and outreach.

tve is committed to quality, integrity, and editorial independence. It feels a very natural fit to be moving in with PA with its fast, fair and accurate core values, and its reputation of trust and integrity at the heart of the UK media.”

Tony Watson, managing director of the Press Association, said: “We are pleased to welcome tve into our Victoria office and we wish them continuing success as the charity celebrates its 30 year milestone.”

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