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Sticky Content Launches Native Advertising Network Powered By Nativo To Help Publishers Monetise Inventory With Branded Content

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 02/08/2017

PA Group’s creative content agency partners with native advertising platform Nativo to offer leading brand clients access to publisher audiences at scale.

Sticky Content, a creative content agency, is launching a new bespoke branded content feed and inviting publishers to opt in and leverage native monetisation. Sticky Content is part of the PA Group, the parent company of the Press Association (PA), the national news agency for the UK and Ireland.

The content on Sticky Content’s native feed will be powered by leading native advertising technology platform Nativo and created on behalf of Sticky Content’s blue-chip collection of brand clients.

“In an era of increasing fragmentation, reaching a guaranteed high-value audience with engaging content is becoming harder to achieve. That’s why this new native network offers such value to our brand clients,” said Emily Shelley, Managing Director at Sticky Content.

“Meanwhile publishers, many of whom have a long and trusted relationship with our sister company PA, can be secure that our bespoke content will add to their users’ experience and bring additional revenue opportunities. We look forward to working with Nativo to power this network.”

Native advertising continues to show strong adoption among advertisers in the UK, posting growth as high as nearly 30% in 2016. Sticky Content’s new offering will allow brands to take advantage of Nativo’s high-quality, high-impact native ad format called True Native as well as native video.

“We’ve worked with Sticky Content for a few years now and are excited about the opportunity Nativo offers to distribute content across a native network. We look forward to hearing more about this partnership”, said Gemma Sykes, Senior Marketing Manager
at Best Western Hotels & Resorts, a Sticky Content client.

Nativo’s flagship True Native offering consists of an in-feed native ad unit, combined with a branded content landing page. This combination sees significantly lower bounce rates and boasts an average of 90 seconds spent on articles. Additionally, Nativo advertisers have seen up to a 13x lift in brand awareness, a 6.4x lift in purchase consideration, and a 5.4x lift in purchase intent.

“Native is becoming an increasingly strategic part of UK advertisers’ digital programs,” said Lindsey Clarke, Managing Director at Nativo. “We’re excited to advance this growing reality for both advertisers and publishers. By making Nativo’s native platform available to publishers already working with the PA Group, they now have a new monetisation channel leveraging content that consistently demonstrates valuable consumer engagement.”


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