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Press Association appoints new Editor-in-Chief

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 07/09/2016

Press Association (PA), the national news agency for the UK and Ireland, has appointed former MSN and BBC editorial executive Pete Clifton as Editor-in-Chief.

He will take up his new role at PA on 1 January next year with a brief to lead the continuing transformation of the agency into a digital-focused multi-platform news and information business.

He replaces outgoing Editor, Jonathan Grun, who steps down after 14 years in the role at the end of December, before his retirement in May 2015 after 36 years with the company.

Clifton was until recently Executive Producer for MSN in the UK where for the last three years he led a 70-strong editorial team managing content for one of the country’s leading portals.

Previously he spent 15 years at the BBC in various senior positions including Head of Editorial Development, Head of News Interactive, Editor of BBC News website, launch Editor of BBC Sport website and Editor of Ceefax.

It will be the second time Clifton has worked for PA.  During the mid-nineties he was chief sub-editor of PA Sport before becoming Editor of PA’s Teletext service.

Tony Watson, Managing Director of PA, said: “Pete Clifton has a reputation in the industry as an editorial heavyweight and we are delighted to have appointed him to this key position. He joins PA at an exciting time, when the opportunities and challenges presented by huge changes in news consumption are encouraging tremendous innovation and creativity in story-telling.  He will bring to the role an impressive combination of editorial judgement, digital insight, and the leadership qualities to bring about the changes necessary to remain relevant in a rapidly evolving media market.”

Clifton said: “I am thrilled to have this opportunity to lead the PA’s editorial operations. As someone who has worked for PA and also been a customer, I am passionate about its reputation for fast, fair and accurate journalism. I look forward to helping PA prosper at the heart of the UK’s media landscape in the digital age.”

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