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PA's 2016 bursary scheme opens for applications

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 07/09/2016

7 March 2016: The Press Association (PA), the UK’s leading multi-media news agency, is again offering world-class training and paid work placements to budding journalists from socially and ethnically diverse groups.

The PA’s bursary scheme is designed to enable more people from financially disadvantaged, and black, Asian and minority ethnic (BAME) backgrounds to enter the profession. Backed by the Journalism Diversity Fund, the 2016 application process follows the successful launch of the PA’s bursary scheme last year, which resulted in two trainee journalists winning places on its News and Sports operations.

Applications can be submitted via the PA website until 5th April 2016. Successful candidates will receive:

  • a place on the PA’s Diploma in Journalism course, accredited by the National Council for the Training of Journalists (NCTJ), with fees covered by the PA
  • a bursary to cover living expenses whilst studying in London
  • a two-year training placement either in the Press Association’s main newsroom or with the Sports team, on a full trainee salary

In addition to valuable on-the-job experience and an industry-standard qualification at the UK’s leading news agency, the scheme will offer the chance for the successful candidates to secure a permanent role at the PA at the end of their training contract.

Clive Marshall, Chief Executive of the PA, said:

“Talent is to be found in all of our communities and we want to nurture promising journalists who are keen to learn and are committed to the PA’s values of fast, fair and accurate journalism. Ultimately that will help our newsroom to better reflect the communities we cover by increasing diversity in our teams.”

Olawale Kuponipe, Trainee Sports Journalist at the PA, and one of the successful applicants from 2015, said:

“Without the PA’s scheme, I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’ve learnt so many of the skills needed to become a successful journalist in today’s media environment. My proudest moment has been receiving my media accreditation to cover Premier League and Football League matches just five months into my traineeship. Having my hard work rewarded and knowing I’ve made a solid start in a career reporting live sports stories has given me a lot of confidence. I’d encourage anyone thinking of applying for the scheme to go ahead and do it.”

The PA’s bursary scheme is now open and interviews will take place in mid-April. Application forms and additional information on criteria are available on the PA website –

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