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PA to provide election data feed to Google

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 07/09/2016

London 20th April, 2015: Press Association (PA), the UK’s leading multimedia news agency and digital content provider, is partnering with Google to provide election data on all of the parliamentary candidates standing around the country.

The data will power Google’s ‘Make Up Your Own Mind’ election search, where users will be able to easily search for the name and image of the candidates standing in a constituency by typing in the name of the town or postcode. The search engine will include the photo and election card information of nearly 4,000 candidates nationwide.

Pete Clifton, PA’s Editor-in-Chief said: “The 2015 General Election will play out online in a way not seen before so we are delighted to be able to supply Google with the data needed to allow more voters around the country to easily see information on the local candidates standing.”

Matt Cooke of Google’s News Lab said, As a European first, everyone who needs to find quick answers on their local MPs, the results or topical details can view this easily on Google via a series of ‘search cards’ we call the OneBox.

“Additionally, the YouTube Spotlight Channel will host current and live content showcasing everything the Election has to offer, while Google Trends will help those interested in specific topics or politicians, get a snapshot of what users are searching for most during the run-up to the Election.”

The election data and candidates image feed will start in April to provide nomination data, extending through to the live results on election night, May 7th 2015.

For further information on PA’s 2017 election coverage please click here.

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