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PA & Newzulu partnership delivers crowd-sourced video news

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 07/09/2016

The Press Association (PA), the UK’s leading multimedia news agency and digital content supplier, today signed a strategic partnership agreement with crowd-sourced media company Newzulu to deliver validated crowd-sourced video content to publishers, broadcasters and creative agencies in the UK and Ireland.

This strategic partnership will build upon the existing relationship between PA Images and Newzulu to pursue a range of crowd-sourced video distribution opportunities including:

– Marketing of validated videos originating from direct submissions to Newzulu or sourced from social media networks to clients of PA.

– Inclusion of validated videos originating from direct submissions to Newzulu or sourced from social media networks within PA’s Video Wire and Video Packages services.

– Inclusion of validated videos originating from direct submissions to Newzulu or sourced from social media networks within PA’s SNAP.PA content syndication service.

In support of the partnership with PA, Newzulu today officially launched its local platform for the UK and Ireland through which contributors can share news photos and videos, get published and get paid.

PA’s Group Managing Editor, Alan Marshall, said: “We are delighted to extend our partnership with Newzulu – which offers a reliable way to access crowd-sourced video content.

“This will provide PA’s customers a wider selection of validated news materials from contributors and social media networks, producing an alternative perspective on many news events.

“This broader range of video content will be delivered to PA clients through direct sales, our video services and SNAP.PA digital service.”

Newzulu Executive Chairman, Alexander Hartman, said: “The partnership between PA and Newzulu launches the exciting possibility for amateur and freelance journalists to have their work published and paid for.

“Newzulu is delighted to partner with PA to provide leading publishers, broadcasters and commercial clients with the best crowd-sourced images and videos available from smartphones, the web and social media networks.”

Newzulu is a news platform with a community of over 150,000 professional and millions of citizen journalists worldwide and with bureaux in New York, Los Angeles, Toronto, Montreal, London, Dublin, Paris, Sydney and Auckland.

Contributors can share newsworthy content through Newzulu, for validation and distribution via PA, by visiting or by downloading the Newzulu mobile apps for Apple iOS and Android.

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