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PA named official wholesaler of Australian Racing Materials

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 04/10/2013

RISA has expanded its international reach with the appointment of the Press Association as an official wholesaler of Australian Thoroughbred Racing Materials in selected regions of Europe.

Myles Foreman, CEO of RISA said: “RISA has had a long standing relationship with PA with arrangements in place to supply international Racing Materials into Australia.  Appointing PA as a RISA wholesaler of Australian Thoroughbred Racing Materials was a natural extension of this relationship and PA’s role as a supplier of materials such as Racing Materials.

“RISA looks forward to working with PA to make Australian Thoroughbred Racing Materials more accessible in selected regions of Europe subject to the standard supply approvals for Wagering Operators and supply & copyright licence arrangements for non-wagering operators”.

Jim Donnelley, PA’s Director of Racing, said: “We are delighted to enhance our existing relationship with RISA.

“PA’s commitment to delivering trusted and reliable racing and sports betting data stretches far beyond our own borders and we look forward to working together with the business to capitalise on the increasing opportunities these selected areas in Europe will offer.”

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