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PA launches IPSO e-learning modules for UK newsrooms

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 07/09/2016

London 23rd March, 2015: Press Association (PA), the UK’s leading multimedia news agency and digital content provider, has created an online learning course to help journalists ensure they fully understand the Editors’ Code of Practice.

Press Association Training has developed the distance learning course to meet the growing demand for a learning solution to meet the requirements of IPSO, the Independent Press Standards Organisation, the new independent regulator for the newspaper and magazine industry in the UK.

The course guides journalists through the Industry’s code of practice and learners must complete an assessment at the end of each of the ten modules. Participants must score 100 per cent in each of the assessments before they can move on to the next module.

The highly-engaging, video-based course, written and narrated by leading media law expert, David Banks, will allow organisations to clearly see who has completed the modules, so they can easily prove their employees understand the standards set out in the Editors’ Code of Practice.

So far, it has been used to train all 1,800 journalists at Trinity Mirror and work is currently underway to roll it out to all PA’s editorial staff.

The product was developed in partnership with Eliesha Training, a leading training business with specialist knowledge in e-learning and in designing and developing creative and innovative learning solutions in support of compliance.

Matt Tee, IPSO Chief Executive, said: “The Editors’ Code is the standard that we hold newspapers to account for. Publishers will want to be sure that their journalists have a good awareness of the Code and can apply it when they are researching and writing articles. PA’s online course can be a really helpful resource to help achieve that.”

Tony Johnston, Head of Press Association Training, said: “We set out to produce a learning product that would enable all journalists to understand their obligations under the code. The reporting functionality within the software allows businesses to very easily record which of their staff has completed the course, together with an assessment of their knowledge and understanding. Media organisations are obliged to report annually to IPSO on what steps they have taken to ensure compliance by their staff. This e-learning course will demonstrate clearly and simply that their journalists fully understand what they must do to comply with the code.”

Tony Cunningham, Eliesha Development Director, said: “We are very excited to be involved in this unique development, which blends Eliesha’s innovative approach to e-learning, with PA’s subject expertise, producing an impactful online skills and knowledge rich course, enhanced with context relevant support materials”.

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