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PA Images launches sports photography internship to increase diversity within the profession

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 05/11/2018

5 November 2018: PA Images, home to the prestigious picture collection from the UK’s national news agency, has launched a new sports photography internship to increase social, ethnic and gender diversity within the profession.

Beginning in January 2019, the six-month programme will run twice each year, offering two emerging sports photographers on-the-job training with PA Images’ picture editors and award-winning photographers, including Chief Sports Photographer David Davies and Jane Barlow, who was named ‘Sports Photographer of the Year’ at the 2018 Scottish Press Awards.

The sports photography internship is part of a wider commitment at the Press Association (PA) to nurturing editorial talent from all backgrounds. The launch of the photography arm’s first specialist training programme follows initiatives to increase diversity within PA’s news teams, most recently with an apprenticeship scheme established in 2018 with ESI Media.

The paid internship is open to photographers at the start of their career with a passion for sport. Successful candidates will learn all aspects of the photography business, with time spent on PA Images’ picture desk in Nottingham and on the road covering a variety of sporting events around the country to sharpen their skills. The photographers will also have use of professional kit from Canon for the duration of the internship.

Stephen Munday, Managing Director of PA Images, said: “What excites us at PA Images is seeing different world views reflected in our collections. This internship will enable us to develop a new generation of talent in sports photography and unlocking the unique perspectives from aspiring photographers from all backgrounds.”

In addition to honing their skills and building a specialist portfolio, outstanding candidates will have the opportunity to continue working with PA Images’ photography team at the end of the internship.

Applications can be submitted via the PA website until 18 November 2018. Candidates will be asked to attach a portfolio of 10 sports photographs to their submission.


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