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PA Group announces changes to the board

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 07/09/2016

London 22nd September, 2015: PA Group, the parent company of the Press Association (PA), has announced the return of Rebekah Brooks to its Board of Directors as a non-executive director.

Brooks replaces Mike Darcey following her appointment earlier this month as Chief Executive Officer of News UK, the publisher of media brands – The Sun, The Times and The Sunday Times.

She was previously Chief Executive of News International, a position she held from 2009-2011. During her time as Chief Executive, there was significant growth in the company’s newspaper operating profit and The Times was an early pioneer in paid-for digital subscriptions. Prior to the role, she was Editor of The Sun newspaper.

From March 2010 to September 2011, Brooks sat on PA Group’s board.

Clive Marshall, Chief Executive of PA Group, said: “It is a pleasure to welcome back Rebekah Brooks as a non-executive director. Having worked with Rebekah previously, I know her insight and experience will be invaluable in ensuring PA continues to capitalise on new growth opportunities as we further seek to future proof the business and focus on providing multi-platform solutions to our customers.”

Commenting on her appointment, Brooks added: “I am pleased to be joining the board and I look forward to working with the rest of the team to further enhance PA’s transition as a multi-platform content provider.”

Her appointment is effective immediately.

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