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PA appoints new non-executive directors

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 04/10/2013

PA Group, the parent company of multimedia news agency the Press Association, has announced the appointment of Dame Helen Alexander and Dominic Fitzpatrick as non-executive directors.

Dame Helen replaces outgoing non-executive director David Levin, the former chief executive of UBM plc who joined the board in 2012.

Dame Helen is currently the chairman of UBM plc, the Port of London Authority (PLA) and Incisive Media. She holds the deputy chairman position at esure Group Holdings, is a non-executive director of Rolls-Royce Group plc, and senior adviser to Bain Capital.

She is also involved with not-for-profit organisations in media, the internet, the arts and education.

Mr Fitzpatrick replaces outgoing non-executive director Alan Crosbie, formerly of the Cork-based newspaper group Thomas Crosbie Holdings. He was PA’s longest serving non-executive director having joined the board in 2001.

Mr Fitzpatrick is the managing director of the Irish News in Belfast and is credited with the transformation of the newspaper to its current compact format. The Irish News has been named ‘regional daily newspaper of the year’ in the UK for the fourth time in a decade, winning the title for papers with a circulation over 25,000 at The Newspaper Awards 2014.

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