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New generation “TV studio in a box” from Globelynx provides low-cost entry point for experts to connect with broadcasters

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 26/02/2019

26 February 2019: A wider range of experts now have access to broadcast-quality equipment to deliver live television news interviews, following the launch of ‘PortaCam Lite’, the latest product from broadcast technology company, Globelynx.

The ‘PortaCam Lite’ is Globelynx’s smallest and most cost-effective “TV studio in a box”. The portable, self-operated camera system enables expert contributors to connect remotely with news broadcasters to comment on topical stories. Users can frame, focus and light their own shots in a location of their choice, before broadcasting over Globelynx’s platform.

The ‘PortaCam Lite’ is intended to give subject matter experts across a range of sectors a low-cost entry point to high-quality basic broadcasting. Like previous generations of Globelynx products, it has an inbuilt encoder, HD camera with wide dynamic range capability, and supports broadcasting over WiFi and cellular networks. The smaller ‘PortaCam Lite’ has an eight inch screen and a more compact chassis, designed to fit into an aeroplane’s hand luggage compartment.

John Holliday, Managing Director of Globelynx, said:

“The demand for expert analysis will only grow as more complex issues dominate the news agenda. Broadcasters want to unpack layers of meaning and explain to viewers how they might be affected by developments.

“Up until now, our cameras systems have been most attractive to larger organisations like financial companies and universities. ‘PortaCam Lite’ opens the opportunity for more individual experts to place these systems in their homes and take them on working trips. This in turn should give networks greater access to a much broader range of subject matter specialists to add context to the biggest stories of the day – using a system that reflects the quality of their contribution.”

Globelynx’s existing customers include Fortune 500 and FTSE 100 companies such as Bank of America and Lloyds of London, as well as academic institutions such as the University of Oxford, the University of St. Gallen and Durham University.

Broadcasters in turn, can search Globelynx’s database and book experts directly from a network which spans Asia, Australia, Europe, the Middle East and North America.

Thom Brooks, Professor of Law and Government and Dean of the Law School at Durham University, said:

“It is great to work with Globelynx, a world leader in connecting expert commentators to broadcasters around the world. Always really helpful and all the time as the 24 news hour never sleeps. I’d readily recommend them to anyone.”


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