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Globelynx connects Sir Richard Branson with broadcasters

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 04/10/2013

Broadcast solutions provider Globelynx, a subsidiary of PA Group, has connected Sir Richard Branson with broadcasters worldwide by installing one of its camera systems on his Necker Island home.

The facility will allow Sir Richard, to remain accessible to any major TV news network in the world for interviews and commentary without the need for on-site technical support.

The Globelynx team took only a couple of days to install the equipment and establish a connection to its master control centre in London.

Sir Richard has already used his Globelynx facility for interviews on BBC and Channel 4 news and to link live by video to address the delegates attending the World Aids Conference in Melbourne last week.

David FitzGerald, Globelynx’s Managing Director, said: “We are delighted to work with Virgin and Sir Richard and play a key role in his on-going broadcasting needs from Necker Island.

“Our system is reliable, secure and can be used at a moment’s notice. All Sir Richard needs to do is sit in front of the Globelynx camera, clip on a microphone, pop in his personal earpiece and let the Globelynx network and online booking system, used by the broadcasters to reserve interview slots, take care of everything else.”

Nick Fox, Director of External Relations, Virgin, said: “Globelynx provides Richard with a convenient quality link to broadcasters around the world and enables him to react quickly to requests for interviews. We have been pleased with the early results.”

The Globelynx system allows Sir Richard to record video and send individual files to any destination. Additionally, and for more formal speeches and presentations, the solution includes a built-in teleprompt facility which rolls the text in front of the camera lens for easy reading.

Globelynx provides broadcasting solutions for many major clients including 80+ universities and business schools, corporate companies, media organisations and financial institutions across Europe and beyond, with hundreds of live interviews per month passing through its network.

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