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David Young promoted to PA’s Ireland Editor

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 07/09/2016

13th October, 2015: Press Association (PA), the national news agency of the UK and Ireland, has promoted David Young to Ireland Editor. David is currently Chief Reporter in Ireland and has been with the agency since 2007.

He will be responsible for overseeing the Dublin and Belfast reporters and photographers, liaising with customers, and working closely with the London newsroom on new initiatives around multi-media content.

David has more than 12 years’ experience as a journalist.  Prior to PA, he worked for one of Northern Ireland’s main daily papers – the News Letter.

Pete Clifton, PA’s Editor-in-Chief commented: “David has built up a fantastic reputation working out of Belfast for PA, and I am delighted to give him this wider role. It also underlines PA’s commitment to the ongoing excellence of our coverage in Ireland.”

David has worked across a range of news specialisms, with particular focus on political developments in the Northern Ireland peace process. He will commence his role on Monday 2nd November, 2015.

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