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TNR's Bridgid Nzekwu named 'Outstanding Woman in Professional Services'

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 03/10/2018

Bridgid Nzekwu, Director of Media Training at TNR, PA Group’s specialist communications consultancy, was named Outstanding Woman in Professional Services at the 2018 PRECIOUS Awards on 27 September.

Established in 2007, the PRECIOUS Awards celebrate the professional achievements of women of colour in the UK.

In addition to a 20-year career in broadcast journalism which saw Bridgid appointed the country’s first female mixed-race news reader, the award recognised her current role as one of the UK’s most sought-after media training and public speaking coaches.

She works regularly with spokespeople at the forefront of national news agenda, preparing representatives from leading national and international brands for high-profile media interviews, Select Committee appearances, major speeches and more.

Accepting the award, Bridgid paid tribute to her late mother, Geraldine, and TNR colleagues Amanda Poole-Connor, MD, and Liz Isemann, Media Training Manager, saying, “I am where I am thanks to some incredible women”.

She added, “For 20 years I was a broadcast journalist, asking the hard questions. Now I help people to answer those questions when they are not feeling confident, when they are feeling under attack and not sure of themselves.

“Many of the delegates who come to me for training are experts – they know their stuff, they’ve got so much to offer, but just need a bit of help to make them more confident when they are talking about their brand, their work or their business, particularly in front of the media.”

Bridgid’s acceptance speech can be seen in full here:

This year’s awards recognised the accomplishments of women across the private, public and charitable sectors, representing an array of fields.

Pictured from left to right: Dr Bahijja Raimi-Abraham (Outstanding Woman in STEM), Dr Marcia Wilson (The Leadership Award), Bridgid Nzekwu (Outstanding Woman in Professional Services), Roni Savage (SME Business of the Year), L’myah Ross-Walcott (Outstanding Woman in Public Sector), Collette Philip (Creative Business of the Year), Mickela Hall-Ramsay (Social Enterprise of the Year), Gurjeet Moore (Outstanding Woman in Banking and Finance), Comet Chukura (Start-up Business of the Year) and Donna Fraser (Outstanding Woman in Sport).

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