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Sticky Content picks up its first ever award for work on Coca-Cola

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 01/12/2016

Sticky Content receive trophy

Sticky Content’s work on Coca-Cola GB’s storytelling website, Journey, was celebrated with a specially created prize at the CorpComms Awards 2016 held on 23 November.

Journey was named “Best Digital Publication” at the ceremony in London. Sticky’s client, and Journey editor, Matthew Hepburn, had originally entered the work in the “Best Corporate Publication” category, but as most of the other entries were for print work, the organisers created a new category for Sticky and Coca-Cola for a surprise win on the night.

Cathie Thurtle, Sticky’s lead editor on Coke, was at the awards with account manager Clare Naude-Blackburn.

Corporate Communications Awards - Sticky Content

Sticky’s Cathie Thurtle (second left) and Clare Naude-Blackburn (second right) with the Coke team

The rest of the Coke team at Sticky includes strategist Steve Beard and editors Jack Stoker and Sarah Fisher. Sticky has been working on Journey since January 2016, and TNR and PA Ireland have also been involved.

This is Sticky Content’s first ever award (it’s also the first time they have entered an awards ceremony). It’s a landmark achievement for such a hard working team, who have to meet the creative challenge of ‘stories’ around sustainability, packaging, memorabilia and sugar tax.

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