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Stefan Rousseau scoops Photojournalism category at the British Journalism Awards

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 12/12/2017

PA’s Chief Political Photographer Stefan Rousseau won the Photojournalism category at Press Gazette’s British Journalism Awards last night (11 December).

He fought off strong competition from Claire Thomas (The Sunday Times), Richard Pohle (The Times), Jeremy Selwyn (London Evening Standard), Andy Stenning (Daily Mirror), and David Rose (The Telegraph).

Commenting on his remarkable images from the terror attack at the House of Parliament, when a man drove a car across Westminster Bridge killing four people before running into New Palace Yard and fatally stabbing a police officer, the judges said:

“When terror came to the heart of Westminster and to the workplace of many journalists, a combination of lightning reactions, nerves and skill enabled Stefan Rousseau to capture the moment in a dramatic series of shots. The best camera in the world is the one you’ve got with you at the right time. Stefan was there, and he had his camera.”

Congratulations, Stefan!

Westminster terror attack - photo by Stefan Rousseau

Westminster terror attack - photo by Stefan Rousseau

Westminster terror attack - photo by Stefan Rousseau

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