
Pitch Perfect: The Insider's Guide to Captivating Newsrooms with Your Story 

By Craig Gunn 25/03/2024

Selling your story to a newsroom involves understanding the needs and interests of journalists, crafting a compelling pitch, and building relationships with key contacts. I have conducted many workshops for communications professionals, and I understand this process can be frustrating for PR’s. However, I still believe there is good merit in educating your teams in effective pitching. Here is my step-by-step guide on how to do it effectively: 

  • Research the Newsroom: Before pitching your story, research the newsroom to understand the types of stories they cover, their editorial style, and the journalists who work there. Familiarise yourself with the beats and interests of specific reporters or editors who might be interested in your story. 
  • Craft a Compelling Pitch: Your pitch should clearly and concisely explain why your story is newsworthy and why it matters to the audience of the newsroom. Highlight the key elements of your story, such as its relevance, timeliness, impact, and any unique angles or perspectives it offers. Use a compelling subject line or headline to grab the recipient’s attention. 
  • Provide Supporting Materials: Include any relevant supporting materials with your pitch, such as press releases, background information, visuals (photos, videos, infographics), data, or expert quotes. Make it as easy as possible for journalists to understand and cover your story. 
  • Personalise Your Pitch: Tailor your pitch to the specific newsroom and journalist you’re contacting. Reference previous stories they’ve covered related to your topic or explain why you think your story aligns with their interests and expertise.  
  • Follow Up: If you don’t receive a response to your initial pitch, don’t be afraid to follow up politely after a few days. Keep your follow-up concise and friendly and offer to provide any additional information or assistance the journalist may need. 
  • Build Relationships: Building relationships with journalists can increase your chances of successfully selling your story in the future. Attending industry events, network with journalists on social media, and offering yourself as a resource for future stories in your area of expertise. Establishing trust and rapport can make journalists more receptive to your pitches. 
  • Be Persistent but Respectful: It is important to be persistent in pitching your story, but also respectful of journalists’ time and priorities. If your story is not a good fit for a particular newsroom or journalist, do not take it personally. Keep refining your pitch and seeking out other opportunities to get your story covered. 
  • Consider Alternative Channels: If traditional newsrooms are not interested in your story, consider alternative channels such as online publications, blogs, podcasts, or social media influencers. These platforms can offer different opportunities for reaching your target audience and generating interest in your story. 

By following these steps and being proactive in your approach, you can increase the likelihood of successfully selling your story to a newsroom and getting it the coverage it deserves. 



  • Call twice to check if we have got your release. 
  • Send the same release to multiple people. 
  • Call when a big live story is obviously running. 
  • Call first thing in the morning. 
  • Offer a story if it has already been used elsewhere. 
  • Think surveys are the answer. 
  • Send mindless fluff that is not news. 
  • Call to ask if you can send us something. 
  • Bother with over-the-top greetings in your email. 


  • Think words, pictures, video as a full package. 
  • Get to know the right reporters/specialists. 
  • Offer it to PA first – exclusives are good! 
  • Give us plenty of notice. 
  • Think about newsrooms on Saturdays/Sundays 
  • Choose the right time to call. 
  • Think – is this a genuine news angle? 
  • Keep your release short and to the point. 
  • Be selective. 
  • Make sure your contact is available. 

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