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PA photographers shortlisted in the News Media Association’s Royal Photography Competition

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 29/06/2017

Pictures by PA photographers Andrew Matthews and Dominic Lipinski have taken two of three places in the shortlist for Agency Rota Photo of the Year, in an annual competition organised by the News Media Association (NMA).

The shortlist for the NMA’s Royal Rota photography competition was published after thousands of votes were cast during June in a public poll to find the best royal photography in the news media industry.

Andrew’s picture of the Prince of Wales pulling a Christmas cracker at the Leckhampton Court Hospice (above), and Dominic’s photo of the Queen looking disapprovingly at the rain ahead of her 90th birthday celebrations (below), were voted among  the best of the agency offerings.

Royal photography

Andrew and Dominic are joined in the agency shortlist by James Veysey of Camera Press who captured the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge at Royal Ascot.The shortlist can be seen in full here.


The competition was launched by the NMA to promote the outstanding work of photographers in the UK news media.Winners will be decided in the coming weeks by a judging panel comprising Lynne Anderson, NMA deputy chief executive; Dr Michael Pritchard, Royal Photographic Society director-general; Paul Jarrett, photographer and Wire Photo Agencies secretary; Nigel Atherton, Time Inc group editor; and Chris Eades, British Press Photographers’ Association chairman.

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