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PA photographers shortlisted in the 2018 News Media Association Royal Photography Competition

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 05/10/2018

Pictures by PA photographers Danny Lawson, Niall Carson and Yui Mok have been shortlisted in the 2018 News Media Association Royal Photography Competition following a week-long public poll to find the best royal photography in the news media industry.

The annual competition showcases the pictures of royals by the local, regional and national news media industry, taken at Royal Rota engagements.

48 pictures from UK photographers were put to the public vote. PA images of the Duke and Duchess of Sussex were among the most popular, reaching the final round in two categories:

Rota Picture Agency Rota Photo of the Year


Duchess of Sussex Walking Down Aisle (Danny Lawson, Press Association)

Duke & Duchess of Sussex Royal Wedding Carriage from Above (Yui Mok, Press Association)


Special Category – Rota photographs of Prince Harry and Meghan Markle together

Duke & Duchess of Sussex Visiting Catalyst Inc science park in Belfast (Niall Carson, Press Association)

Duke & Duchess of Sussex Royal Wedding Carriage from Above (Yui Mok, Press Association)

The full set of shortlisted entries can be seen here.

The pictures will now be judged by NMA’s panel of experts – Alan Sparrow, UK Picture Editors Guild chairman; Chris Eades, The British Press Photographers’ Association chairman; Lynne Anderson, NMA deputy chief executive; Martin Keene, PA group picture editor; Dr Michael Pritchard, The Royal Photographic Society chief executive.

The NMA manages the Royal Rota on behalf of its members, allocating passes for the hundreds of Royal engagements undertaken by members of the Royal Family each year and ensuring that the material is pooled among members.

Winners announced later in October.

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