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Mike Egerton tops the Sports category at the inaugural British Photography Awards

By Christopher Henry-Reeve 30/01/2019
  • He is also shortlisted in the Sports Journalism Awards taking place on 25 February


PA staff photographer Mike Egerton took home the ‘Sports Photographer Award’ at the inaugural British Photography Awards which took place at London’s Savoy Hotel on 28 January 2019.

His image of Romania’s Valentin Cretu competing in the luge event at the PyeongChang 2018 Winter Olympic Games was shortlisted by the public in the ‘Sports’ category before the judges named him the eventual winner.

Mike is also a finalist in the British Sports Journalism Awards 2018, in the ‘Portfolio’ category. Winners will be announced at the awards ceremony to be held on 25 February 2019.

A selection of Mike’s best work from 2018 follows below. Congratulations, Mike and good luck for 25 February!




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